I have taught hundreds of yoga students over the years, and I don’t like to play favourites – as my dear friend Tara (HI TARA), who teaches kindergarten once said, they’re all my favourites. But if I am being completely honest, I will paraphrase George Orwell and say that some students are more favourite than others, and one of those was a woman in my senior’s class named Judy.
Judy was in her mid-eighties when she joined my class, and she became a most devoted student. I looked forward to seeing her every week because she embodied my entire Life Goals: she brimmed with positivity and light, she was always happy to be there, and when a new student would join she would go out of her way to talk to them and make them feel welcome. She would come to class with her lipstick on, wearing a cute little yoga outfit, and she’d always be a bit early to chat with me about her orchids, her garden, her life. I adored her, and more than that, I want to be her.
One day we were chatting: it was early April in Calgary, which can be nice sometimes, but often it is cold and snowy, and that is exactly what it was like that day. I mentioned to Judy the very hopeful news that I saw a rabbit that was brown; it had lost its winter coat, which meant that warmer weather was coming soon. “Oh,” she sighed with pure delight, “Isn’t nature wonderful?” Ever since that day, which was five years ago now, I have thought isn’t nature wonderful at least once a day, but now, in the spring, it’s more like a dozen times a day.
Every single morning when I’m out walking I notice something new; every morning the world is a little more green, the trees are a little more leafed out, and something new is blooming. Isn’t nature wonderful?

My whole life this week has been overtaken by a different type of nature: the yard is being landscaped. The end result will be so exciting: lush grass for Rex to roll in, big beautiful garden beds to be filled, and the colourful plants that will fill them. The journey to this result, however, is wild.

Within a day, our lawn was ripped up, giant piles of dirt taking its place. Every day there is immense progress, and I am very much looking forward to this journey’s end, a beautiful new yard. That’s a week or so away, though, and until then, I will just revel in the wonders of nature.
Nicole’s Favourite Things: The “Isn’t Nature Wonderful” Edition
Ready For Veggies
When my husband retired, I received an enormous amount of unsolicited advice about this event; most people I talked to spoke in worried tones about what my husband was going to do all day. I find this amusing because since the beginning of February I feel like I’ve hardly seen him. He’s been working on this:

Isn’t it amazing? He built the whole thing by himself: measuring and cutting wood, shovelling gravel and dirt, rototilling the ground, and putting up the fencing to keep out the deer. We are going to be very busy this weekend with all the planting. Stay tuned for many, many updates on the harvest.
What Did I Do Again
There are lots of details in my day to day life that I think I will never forget, but I do. I bought this five-year garden journal to keep track of when I plant, how the plants grow, and when everything is ready to be harvested. It has grid pages for planning, and lots of room for details about the varietals of the plants. For example, some of the raspberries need to be completely cut down in the fall, some in the spring, and some only need old wood pruning. There is zero way I am going to keep all of this straight without a written record.

World, Meet Friedrich
While we were at the garden centre, my husband noticed a display of gnomes. I love all gnomes but I really want one to speak to me in order to bring it into the fold. He held his hand over each gnome until I nodded, and now I have Friedrich.

Garden Fashion
My husband gave me this tee for Valentine’s Day, thinking that it would be the perfect gardening attire, what with all the gnomes.

It’s Asparagus Season, Bitches
Asparagus used to grow wild on this property, years ago, when they used a different irrigation method. It’s too dry for that to happen now, so I am just enjoying the asparagus at the grocery store.

All the local gardeners have warned against growing Brussels sprouts, because they are magnets for pest infestation, so, like the asparagus, I am consoling myself by purchasing bags of them at Costco. Would you believe that I’ve never roasted Brussels sprouts before? I have always enjoyed eating roasted Brussels sprouts – and my friend Sammi (HI SAMMI) always cooks them in her air fryer and my god, they are amazing – but I’ve never actually made them myself. Why? I have no idea. But I did this month and drizzled them with a balsamic glaze, and they were delicious.

Outfit of the Month
I went to lunch with some girlfriends a few weeks ago, and it was a gorgeous day, perfect for just a light layer and some unlined tall boots. My boot collection is the reason I still love skinny jeans, despite them purportedly being very out of style. Also? I will be 49 in a couple of days, and I feel that my time for caring about what is in style is in the rearview mirror. Skinny jeans and tall boots for LIFE.
This long black sweater is from Lululemon, circa 2015. It’s a perfect sweater to wear out for lunch, but not really to wear around the house when anything practical is required, because the drapes and folds, while cute and fun, get in the way of everything. My friend Sammi, of air fryer Brussels sprouts fame, gave me that scarf for my birthday YEARS ago. In fact, I think Rex is the newest part of my outfit. Not that he was accessorizing me at lunch – there are many dog-friendly patio places around here, but the thought of taking my big galoompa to a restaurant is alarming – but he makes for a cute photo.

Speaking of cute photos, on our hike last Sunday I was trying to take photos of the flowers, when Rex snuck in front of me and sat down. I’m a flower! Take a picture of me! Well, who am I to say no?

Ah, nature. It really is wonderful. And so are you, dear friends. If you have any Favourites you’d like to share with me, I’d love to hear all about them. xo
OMG, Nicole! You and Rex have such fabulous smiles! I love his heh-heh look too.
I, for one, am so excited for your garden, planting, and harvest updates… I can handle all the details you can throw at your readers, and I’m sure I’ll learn a lot. That deer-proof fenced-in garden looks absolutely amazing! My compliments to R! And a hearty welcome to Friedrich!
Ohhhh Maya I am SO EXCITED to share all my gardening updates!! Many will be forthcoming!
Judy reminds me of a couple massage clients I have. I love people like that! Life goals!
I’m so excited for your landscaping and gardening plans- I’m going to live vicariously through you for the next few months. I agree that nature is wonderful, but it’s harder to remember that in the summer, in Florida. I know heat, humidity, and hurricanes are part of nature, but I don’t always love it.
Ha ha, every picture of Rex is somehow hilarious. I love your outfit (and big, furry accessory) AND I’m very glad you’ve discovered your very own roasted brussels sprouts- they’re probably my favorite vegetable to roast.
I cannot BELIEVE I only started roasting them now, particularly when I’ve eaten them often and always enjoyed them.
It is life goals to be one of those people!
I had a gardener’s log book and I adored it, however I lost the book and with that all evidence of my planning and my astute observations was gone. Still a little sad about that. I am thrilled to know you’re into the landscaping phase of your new home. It’s so exciting to see how it all comes together after the dust dies down.
Oh darn, Ally, that would be a sad loss!!
Our rabbits stay brown all year. I remember learning about Arctic rabbits and foxes that change color with the seasons, but I didn’t realize it happened other snowy places, too. Makes sense, I just never thought about it.
Those raised beds look great.
Welcome, Friedrich.
Roasted Brussels sprouts are a good addition to your life. I love them and make them all the time in the fall/winter.
Rex is a lovely flower.
Isn’t it neat, the way they change colour? It’s a real sign of spring to see brown rabbits in Calgary (even though it is snow covered there right now!)
Rex is just the best flower!
I love every single thing about this post.
Roasted Brussels Sprouts (so good, right?). Rex. Your garden log book (genius). Your outfit (amazing, as always). Judy (that’s my mom’s name so I’m extra partial). Your new gnome. Your garden setup. The prospect of a new gorgeous lawn. Rex again. All the wonderful outdoor pictures. Your gnome shirt.
This post was brimming with joy and wonder and light and I LOVED it, Nicole. LOVED IT.
Thank you so much, Elisabeth! I am going to be posting so many garden photos, just you wait!
I am so glad that you finally got on the roasted Brussels sprouts train! Isn’t it fun? And easy? And delicious? I have a confession; I actually don’t really love roasting veggies in the oven; they stick to the pan and I have to watch them and inevitably I take them out too early or leave them in too long. However, the air fryer makes this process so easy! I think you mentioned you have a dual cook air fryer? This is like the best idea ever, as then you could also roast two things at once, as that is the only drawback vs the oven.
I am in Portland and spring has sprung here; it is so beautiful! There are a ton of cherry trees, dogwood trees and various other pink and white and fuchsia colored trees and they are all abloom. I am loving it!
Argh! I forgot to add….that I see you are going to grow kalette! Yay! Watch out Costco; here comes Nicole!
Kyria, I have a piece of (unsolicited, but it’s good) advice for you with veg roasting – parchment paper! You’ll never have the stick-to-the-pan issue again! I was going to put my sprouts in the air fryer, but the fact is I was roasting just too many to fit. I guess I could have used both baskets but one basket is devoted to meats, and it squicks me out to put my veg in the meat basket.
Enjoy your spring! That will make the biking so much nicer.
I think you are well on your way to meeting your Judy goal, at least in terms of the welcoming attitude, positivity, and light! She sounds delightful.
Skinny jeans and tall boots for life!
You weren’t kidding when you said your whole yard had been torn up!!!! I cannot wait to see what the finished yard looks like.
And the GARDEN. Nicole. That is so gorgeous. Your husband is a superstar. Friedrich is the perfect garden greeter for such a glorious space. I am SO excited to read about its progress! It is a bit disappointing that you can’t grow asparagus — although my mom used to grow asparagus, and it seems like A Process — but we are so lucky to have ready access to all these amazing veggies in the store. YUM. I love asparagus. And Brussels sprouts. Yum yum yum.
Awww, thank you Suzanne! I am constantly finding inspiration in my “ladies.”
Oooh you should be here for dinner tonight, I’m roasting asparagus, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts to go with coconut rice!
I love how Rex is so sure that if the camera is out, it should be pointed at him! “You forgot something, mom, but here I am.”
“Who cares about stupid flowers? I’M RIGHT HERE.”
Roasted brussel sprouts are my very favorite vegetable. Try drizzling with maple syrup and roasting till is caramelizes, with a sprinkling of chili flakes. I’m drooling as I write this.
Oooh with maple syrup! I’m going to try that for sure! They are just so good, I roast veggies all the time, so I don’t know why I hadn’t done this before.
I have yet to eat a Brussels sprout that I did not find revolting and yet every time you write about them, I think to myself that I should give them another shot. And yet? I don’t think I will.
Rex and Hannah are soul opposites. I have to reallllly convince Hannah that it would be a good idea to have her photo taken with a lot of bribes. I like the idea that the two of them meet someday and Hannah turns into a cheerful dog who likes cuddles, photos, and rolling down hills.
Hahaha they are total opposites! Also, Barkley was a snuggly affectionate dog BUT I have like five good pictures of him. That dog was impossible to photograph. He’d turn away at the last minute, so most of his photos were just a brown blur.
I’m laughing at the idea of anyone in retirement not having enough things to do. Right now my job is just an excuse to put off my home to-do list.
I love everything about the spring and summer!
Right? There’s just so many things to do!
Hello, Friedrich! Oh, what a cutie he is! And I love your gnome t-shirt too! The raised bed garden looks so amazing – your husband has skills! I’m looking forward to all the posts about your garden. It’s true, nature is wonderful. We had some work done around the foundation last fall, and I was sure the tulips were destroyed. But no, here they come! I’m so happy to see them!
Oh yay for the tulips!!! That’s exciting. I knew you’d like Friedrich and my shirt! I feel like you need one too.
Spring is MUCH further along in Kelowna than it is here, but I am loving all the sights of spring that I have seen recently. I pointed them out to Paul and I think his direct quote was “who cares”. Um, geeeeeeeez!! I do! But he’s 6, so I get it… But give me all the signs of spring’s arrival because even though we didn’t have a bad winter, I’m always so ready to put the winter season behind us.
My colleague retired last year in April and he is very busy and absolutely LOVING life. My parents have only been retired for a couple of years but they are so very busy, mostly with church stuff. Being retired doesn’t mean life is going to just come to a stop and you’ll be sitting around twiddling your thumbs. Unless that is what you want!
Can’t wait to see the finished landscaping product and to live vicariously through your gardening adventures. Back when I had a garden I posted quite a few before/after pics to show how crazy fast things grow. Please do the same – or text me photos. Gardening is such a delight!!
Believe you me, Lisa, I will be posting approximately one million photos! Not to worry! We put the berries in today, which is insane to me, and I’m going to do the seeds on the weekend, also insane. It’s so early! But that’s how it is here. Today I saw a lilac bush in bloom! In Calgary that would be more like June.
Retirement is what you make of it, I think, and people whose whole life is work probably have a lot of difficulties – the key is to have interests, I think.
Nature IS wonderful. My irises are blooming, the rosebuds are forming and my peonies are chock full of buds!
I simply cannot wait to see your landscaping results.
Oh that is SO lovely Gigi! Things aren’t quite there yet – irises and peonies are coming up, but not yet in bloom – but I DID see a lilac bush in bloom today!
I love your garden, it is going to be stunning and fruitful! Things are a blooming around here, most notably (for me) my little pot of lavender on the porch. I adore it. In the summer when it looks like it’s dead, I always feel horrible like I’ve blown it again, and then every spring it comes back, thank goodness.
I love your gnome and your Rex flower. One of my best friends is all legs like you, and she swears by her skinny jeans. My legs are short and I feel like a boot cut is more flattering for me, or at least a straight leg. If I wore beautiful high boots, however, I would absolutely change my mind!
J, I think a boot cut is a very flattering jean generally, and if I was able to wear a bit of a heel I think I would wear them all the time. But mostly I wear flats or boots so it doesn’t work for me.
Lavender is a wonder plant!
Oh wow, I can’t wait to see what you do with those empty garden beds. I’m very envious. I need to get my garden beds topped up and planted out with broad beans and leafy greens before we get too far into winter. Luckily we can garden all year here.
I don’t bother with the latest fashions either—wear what yuo like and what suits you is my motto.
Thanks so much, Melissa! I will definitely be updating with lots of photos!
Gardening all year sounds like a dream! How wonderful for you!
Oh my, that garden that your hubby built is impressive. I love it. And I agree, roasted brussels sprouts are DIVINE.
Also, you look amazing in your out of style skinny jeans and tall boots. Do not change <3
Aw, thanks my friend!
I am in awe that he did this all himself – designed, figured it out, got all the equipment and materials (and I get the fun job of planting!)
I love the outfit (I am team skinny jeans), the new gnome, friends like Judy, skinny jeans, and Brussels sprouts in the air fryer. The garden will be amazing. The raised beds (is that the name for what your husband built?) look great. I am sure you will fill them in no time. Retirement . . . well I think it sounds glorious. I do not think Coach will struggle with the extra time. I think we are a ways away from it, but it’s something to look forward to.
Thank you Ernie! It’s definitely something for you to look forward to!
Yes, nature is wonderful! I have come to appreciate Spring much more as an adult. I love seeing all the blooming trees. Your beds are going to be amazing. We have a retired friend who built something similar and his lettuce is fabulous. He mulches them with leaves from the previous Fall, so when it rains, no dirt on the lettuce.
I’m with you on the clothes! Stick with what looks good on your body. I will never wear high waisted ‘mom’ jeans again. They look stupid on me, like Urkel or whatever that kid’s name was.🤓You look great in your skinny jeans and boots! Happy Birthday!
I do like roasted brussel sprouts, but can’t stand the smell, so I rarely make them.
That’s so smart about the leaves! What a great idea.
Jeans are such a tricky item to wear, and I feel like when I get a good pair that I like I need to keep it on repeat. I understand about the waist, but also – too low is not a great option for me either. My waist is slowly disappearing and I’m becoming a rectangle. So it’s tricky!
My dear friend, Judy sounds very much like you. I aspire to be that kind of human. 💕❤️
I am so excited to watch your garden grow.
Oh my gosh, what a compliment. I aspire to be like Judy, so thank you!
Gah, I don’t know why but my mouth started watering when you showed those Brussels sprouts. Love a good roasted Brussels sprouts!
There is so much happening in your yard – OMG! I can’t wait to see the transformation. It’s going to be amazing!
I love that there’s a 5-year journal just for gardening! That’s so smart!
So many things happening! It’s very exciting!
Brussels sprouts are so delicious!
Judy reminds me of when I owned a small gym years ago. My first member was a woman in her 70s and she brought all her friends. They came every Monday Wednesday and Friday and were nicknamed “the golden girls”. They were the best part of that whole experience! I agree and think almost daily that nature is truly amazing! I’m excited to see the fruits of your garden
Oh, I love it, Pat! The golden girls!
Well, the saying, “What goes around comes around”, is certainly true when it comes to fashion. I can’t remember where I saw it, but in the past couple of weeks I read an article announcing that skinny jeans are making a comeback. Apparently Kate Moss was spotted wearing a pair, so stick with the skinny jeans and tall boots, because you’re officially ‘très à la mode’!
Well, that went quickly! It seems like I just got used to seeing giant pants everywhere, I’m happy to know skinnies are on their way back!
Judy is one hundred percent right: Nature is amazing!
I love, love, love your new garden beds. Your husband is so talented and kind to do that for you. I mean, I know he will reap some benefits too, but that really is an act of love.
I’m with you: Skinny jeans and tall boots! (short for me) Really, whatever we want is what we shall do.
Thanks Suz! So you see what I mean about our husbands – there is no getting things done halfway around here!
So many good things here, but Rex and the gnomes (that could be a band name…) are the highlights for me.
Thank you for sharing the beauty and joy of your life. You are – as I think I’ve said before – a light-bringer. <3
(Also – on a more prosaic note – how does having a retired husband affect your schedule, if at all? I'm thinking things like, do you eat lunch together? Have you developed new routines together in your new place yet? Would love to read about that if you're willing to share!)
Oh, that is a GOOD topic for a future post! But in short – no, we don’t eat lunch together. We kind of have parallel routines that overlap a little bit, if that makes sense. I am making a note to write about this, so I don’t forget – thank you!