Whenever I read a post about someone’s day to day life, I find myself fascinated. I would like to say that I am highly interested in the everyday mundanity we all experience as a whole, the extraordinary in the ordinary, the details that make our lives unique, and I am, it is true. I also, I think, am extremely nosy.
But I do love those posts and I often think of doing one myself, but then, as I am going through my day, I wonder is this interesting in any way? Well. I have never regretted recording tiny details of my life, as I often look back on posts fondly and with great nostalgia. Did I really spend precious minutes of my day doing Halloween crafts with the children? Did I really make playdough, go to the park, stand in the playground for hours, cut out pieces of milk cartons to make birdhouses? Did I really teach yoga, grocery shop for hours, spend inordinate amounts of time slicing up fruit? It’s so fun to see these snapshots, and so I offer you one of this past Tuesday, where I do grocery shop, but none of the other things apply.
4:10 am. I wake up – no need for an alarm – and toddle downstairs to the kitchen. The very first thing I do in the morning is start the coffeemaker, which I have filled and prepared the day before. Recently Elisabeth (HI ELISABETH) was talking about everyone’s favourite kitchen appliance, and no one was saying coffee maker. No one, that is, except me. No coffee, no prana, as they say, or, more truthfully, no coffee, someone is going to get stabbed. Anyway, first I start the coffee, then I drink water, perform my morning ablutions – brushing my teeth and hair, washing my face, and moisturizing (ALWAYS with SPF!!!) – and then I get dressed in my first of many, as Big Edie would say, costume changes. This one consists of a yoga tank, cropped leggings, and a tee. Here’s a little Nicole By The Numbers Fact: I drink around 4 litres of water a day, half of which happens before 10:00 am. Also before 10:00 am, circling back to my first point, I drink an entire pot of coffee. What can I say, I like my liquids. I also brush my teeth at least six times a day; even when I had a life in which I was out and about a lot, I would keep a travel toothbrush and paste in my bag. I like a minty-fresh mouthfeel for most of the day, what can I say. Back to the routine, where I am not going to detail every last toothbrushing and glass of water, so as to not bore my dear readers. Just know that those things are happening in the background. Anyway! At this point I let Rex out for snuggles and to feed him, and then open up my laptop. This is my designated blog-reading time. I might read one or two posts at some other time during the day, but this is when I get the majority of it done. If you’ve had an incoherent comment from me, likely it’s 4:45 and my coffee hasn’t activated my brain yet.

It’s also the time where I read a poem before getting on my yoga mat, and I’m currently revisiting my favourite Mary Oliver collection. The baby redbirds, they don’t even know they have wings, and if you know, you know.
5:20 am. This is my time for yoga and meditation, interrupted only to say goodbye to my younger son, who starts work at 6.

6:15 am. Workout! On Tuesdays I do a little extra cardio, which means elliptical and Peloton, and I also do some stupid strength training for my stupid bones.

7:25 am. I look like this after a workout; not to be too gross, but you could wring my clothes out to make a solid puddle of sweat, so now it’s time to change my costume. Is this a function of all my liquid intake? Or do I need liquids because of my sweating problem? Who can say. I put on a non-sweaty yoga tank, full length yoga pants, a long-sleeved top, and my coat and light hikers, because it’s Rex’s favourite time of day – walkies! I puff on some face powder, swipe on some mascara and tinted lip balm, because I am a very vain person who does not leave the house with a bare face, even if it’s just to walk the dog. Tuesdays are the day I launder all the sheets, so I throw those in the washer before I leave. For today’s walk I decide to take us on a loop down to the lake, and to see the spring changes in this gorgeous weeping tree by a nearby pond. My son tells me that these trees may look pretty, but they are hell for the grounds crew at his golf course. Ah well, I neither am part of the grounds crew, nor do we have this kind of tree on our property, so I will enjoy it as such.

9:00 am. After our walk, it’s time for my smoothie; for anyone interested, it includes cashew milk and nut butter, a little cinnamon, a frozen banana, and about eight cups of spinach. Soon I’ll be using spinach from my new garden! I wash up the blender and the rest of the smoothie accoutrements; this will be the first of many times I do the dishes during the day. Yes, I do have a dishwasher, but I would never consider for a minute putting the blender in there, nor the plastic strainer I use to wash the spinach.

9:25 am. I put the sheets in the dryer, and throw a load of towels into the washer. Now it’s time to shower, moisturize (don’t forget the SPF!), put on makeup and clothes (Costume Change Number Three), and do my hair. I also give the bathroom a quick cleaning, put the sheets back on the beds (who has the energy to actually fold fitted sheets?), and go down to the garden to see what my husband is doing. He’s busy with landscape fabric and wood, and upon looking at the time, I hustle to the office for something very special.

10:45 am. It’s time to get ready for one of the highlights of my day – a writing date with Suzanne! (HI SUZANNE).

12:45 pm. After catching up with Suzanne, I manage to hit, and slightly surpass, my writing goal of 1000 words. The towels are done, so I fold them, and I go downstairs for lunch and hair supplements; I wash up the blender and smoothie accoutrements, AGAIN, and get ready for the next big thing on my list.

1:15 pm. It’s time for a Costco trip, and when I enter the store I experience an immediate sense of doom. There are people everywhere, the lineups are snaking all the way down the store, and it takes me several minutes to just work my way through the crowd to get to the aisles I need. I do manage it, and happily, by the time I finish my shopping the crowds have all dispersed and there is no lineup at all. Sometimes the Costco gods smile down at me. I think it was because I rescued an errant cart from the parking lot. I drive home, where both sons greet me – my younger son finishes work at 2, and my older son, whose university is close by, stopped by for dinner and to do his laundry. This is an unusual, but welcome surprise for a Tuesday. The boys bring the groceries in – my husband is still working on the garden – and I am faced with the overwhelming task of putting everything away.

3:15 pm. Everything is put away, and I start some dinner prep. I’m making Suzanne’s Fall Salad, with modifications, because it is a Suzanne kind of day; I spread out chickpeas on a tea towel to dry and candy some pecans. I take a break from food to brush Rex’s teeth and to give him his dental treat; while he’s outside chewing and probably rolling in the grass, preparing to bring the outside in, I chop up sweet potatoes and cook some quinoa, I make a maple-Dijon dressing for salad, and, for the guys, take some chicken out of the freezer to thaw. I prep the sweet potatoes, chickpeas, and quinoa to go into the oven, and I do the dishes. Again.
4:05 pm. It’s a really beautiful day, so I decide to pop out on the deck to do a little reading and Duolingo while the chickpeas roast. I catch Rex in the act of rolling, which means I’ll be sweeping up later.

I read for a while, and Rex keeps me company. I’m reading My Last Innocent Year, which is excellent so far.

5:00 pm. Time for a musical interlude; I play the piano for a little bit while the sweet potatoes and quinoa are in the oven. My general rule is three songs, of any length or style, unless I’m learning something new. After that, I sweep the floor, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.

5:45 pm. I put the chicken in the air fryer, put the salad together, and slice the baguette. I also perform the very important job of filling the coffee maker for tomorrow. A few hours ago, my younger son, who was heading downstairs to work out, asked and answered his own question about what was for dinner, as he saw me prepping earlier. “Oh! The fun salad!” See how much joy Suzanne brings into my life? Dinner time is our time to catch up on everything that happened during the day; all our days are very different, so it’s a fun time. After dinner the guys do the dishes while I read for a little bit, before going upstairs for the final Costume Change of the day.

7:15 pm. I start my nighttime process; I put on pajamas, I brush and floss my teeth, I brush out my hair and apply a scalp serum from The Ordinary, I wash my face and apply retinol eye and night creams and foot lotion. Then I choose tomorrow’s workout outfit and take it to the bathroom downstairs, where I will start all over again tomorrow. I read on the couch for a little while, chatting with my husband as he watches TV. He worked for seven solid hours, laying landscape fabric and cutting wood for the fencing, and so he’s a bit tired.

8:30 pm. I’m tired! Time for bed. I head upstairs and nestle into my cozy bed, ready to start again tomorrow.
This is the first Day In the Life blog post I’ve ever read! I have to say, the only similarities in our lives would be the Fall Salad and washing sheets on Tuesday. That’s a LOT of weights in your home gym. I split my hour workout between after lunch and after dinner because I want my muscles to soak up the glucose. We have a home gym in the basement, but I quit using it because I’m not motivated without windows. Not kidding! I brought my weights and resistance bands to our bedroom and work out there. But my husband uses all the equipment in the basement everyday, so at least it’s being used.
This was a fun read! Have a great weekend!
I have never once thought of letting my muscles soak up glucose, but now I’m rethinking everything!!
Day in the Life posts are SOOOO FUN! I loved this one, partially because I got to see lots of Rex photos, and partially because this could be the ideal day. Early wakeup, meditation, yoga, working out, a writing date (how fun!) walks outside, house chores, lots of healthy food, reading… it’s all there. Oh, plus dinner with your family. I would actually be interested in a whole week of Day in the life posts from you!
You’re so sweet, Jenny, but let’s not get carried away! I don’t think I could do a whole week! Maybe a whole week of Rex photos…
I am impressed with your daily activities. I’ve never envisioned my blog as a diary like this, but will admit it is interesting to read about what other people do each day. Although I do feel a bit nosy peeking into other lives… even though I am invited.
I think my blog is almost entirely a diary! A diary filled with grocery shopping. Ha!
If you’re nosy, then so am I, because I love posts like this! So enjoyable to follow along with you for a day.
I’d love it if you did one too, C!
YES YES YES YES YES!!! The Internet Gods answered my prayers with this post!!!
I started and scrapped so many DITL posts because I’d write up to, say, 7 AM in the morning and have a whole book’s worth of words and be totally horrified at the mundanity of my life. And then last year I finally sat down and did an entire week in the life. I’m already amazed at how much free time I had that week since we were between dogs at the time.
What stands out to me is how busy you are, and I am sure that I will match you for busyness once I stop working. There are so many things that I want to do around the house that I just never get to because of stupid work.
– I use an alarm but I usually wake up before it.
– I didn’t list my coffeemaker because it is BEYOND essential. I didn’t list it for the same reason that I didn’t list electricity and running water as kitchen essentials.
– I can only handle one cup of coffee a day but I drink water like nobody’s business. I can match you drip by drip for sweat.
– Where does Rex sleep? What are you letting him out of, a room or a crate?
– Sigh, I don’t have dedicated blog reading time in my current schedule. Stupid work.
– I’m not going to ask why you have a drum set in your gym because of course you do. We have the equivalent boy miscellany in our basement.
– I’m free to enjoy the tree as well.
– Suzanne makes everything better.
– I don’t love crowds, but I kinda like an insanely crowded Costco trip. Of course I love going there when it’s not busy as well. I just love Costco OK?
– night night, sleep tight!
Hahah Birchy, I feel seen. After my first paragraph, I was like “reel it in, here, this is going to be a 3000 word post.” I can’t wait for you to join me in that special retirement busyness! Someone asked if my husband was “bored” and I was like, he’s constantly on the go!
As for your questions…
I set my alarm but I always, always, always wake up before hand. So I just turn it off when I get up. Rex sleeps in a crate on the main floor. You didn’t ask about the drum set but my younger son is a drummer, so, you know. That’s where it goes! Suzanne DOES make everything better! I don’t LOVE Costco but I do like it enough/ appreciate the value to go every 2-3 weeks!
What was your reasoning for having Rex sleep in separate room? Is there ever any issue if he had a problem and you couldn’t hear him? We let Charlie sleep at the end of our bed and I love it and it’s so sweet, but also creates some issues. Like the other day he just got up and was walking around and went into the bathroom to lay on the tile (I think he got hot?). And then that woke me up… also hard to just have space/time with my husband with a 3rd wheel in the bed all the time. lol. But now I feel like he would feel sad and rejected if we suddenly made him start sleeping away from his “pack” here!!
Well, our dogs have always slept in a crate in the living room. There was simply no room for a crate anywhere else, but also our old house was very small, so it was easy to hear from the bedroom if they needed something. Barkley was smaller, but still a good size (55 pounds). In this house, Rex’s crate is quite far from our bedroom but I’d still be able to hear him in an emergency, have no idea what that emergency would be though. The crate is a happy place for them, both dogs eat their dinners in there while we eat dinner, and Barkley also ate his breakfast in there. I didn’t want the dogs in our bedroom at night is the bottom line, and it works well for us. I didn’t want them in our bed for a number of reasons, and one of them is their size. Rex is almost 100 pounds, he takes up a lot of space. Hope that helps!
I like the idea of a day in the life! I hope more people do this because you inspired them.
My doctor just reminded me that strength training is important during menopause. I practice yoga twice a day, seven days a week, but that is for my mental health. I need to be motivated. This post could be it.❤️
It’s SO important during menopause, for all sorts of reasons! If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t do it, because I hate it!
Maybe sometime you could do a day in the life!
I definitely plan to do a day in the life at some point! This was fun to read. ❤️
It would be perfect for your birthday month!
I comments on the top 5 appliances post well after you but my first appliance I listed was of course the coffee pot! I also included the coffee bean grinder in my “bonus” favorites list. I grind the caffeinated beans and buy ground decaf coffee and then I do a 1/3 decaf 2/3 caf combo. The bean grinder is SO LOUD so I always ask the boys for permission to grind my beans every couple of days. Paul can be really sensitive to loud noises and I’m often grinding beans when they are eating their dinner since I’m getting the coffee pot set up for the next day.
I enjoy DITL posts because everyone’s day is so interesting and I love little mundate details. Your walk is so gorgeous! You truly live in paradise!!
Thanks Lisa, it’s so beautiful here!
My husband has a fancy espresso maker, and grinds his own beans, but I am a pretty basic Kirkland Signature black-pot-of-coffee kind of gal!
So you probably do as much laundry as I do, given your numerous costume changes. Ha. I love the painting above the piano. How great that your son can just stop in while at college. Coach and I were both a bit ‘bummed’ when Tank and Mini went back to college the day after Easter. Ed worked from home the day after Easter, but then headed back to the city. Womp, womp, womp. It’s so fun having everyone home. I enjoyed learning about your routine. The 4 am wake up would feel like the middle of the night for me.
Ernie, we are so lucky to have him so close – he’s about 30 minutes away which is kind of perfect, in my mind! Easy to pop by!
4:10am!! So early!! But then I did the math and you’re getting to bed about two hours before me and getting up about an hour and a half before me, so it all evens out in terms of waking hours. You just do more in the morning and I do more after dinner.
So many changes of clothes! I RESENT having to change in and out of workout clothes. Sorry, Hannah, I’m not changing clothes to walk with you – you will accept me in my work clothes or get no walkies!!
We had to go to Costco the day before Easter and when we walked in there were only about ten carts left in the cart holding place and the lines were snaking into the aisles. I was stressed. By the time we checked out, we could just saunter on up to a register without waiting. I don’t know how that magic worked, but it did. Also, I need more details about putting groceries away. That’s a lot of groceries. How many fridges do you have? How big is your pantry? Tell me more!!
Rolling Rex is precious. Maybe you could teach him how to push around a rag/Swiffer to clean up after himself?!
I always say that I am very productive early in the day but am essentially useless after dinner – and we probably get similar amounts of sleep because I go to bed so early. I usually clock about 7 1/2 hours, give or take a few minutes, during the week.
I don’t mind changing clothes because I kind of love it, I think of myself as a paper doll sometimes. Well, not really, but I do like outfits. Also, my workout clothes get so sweaty I have to change, because otherwise I’ll freeze to death.
It IS a lot of groceries. I have a pantry off the kitchen which is pretty big, and I have two fridges and an upright freezer.
Ok so I am reminding myself to be a grownup and not be jealous of people I know through the Internet but you are LIVIN’ THE DREAM, Nicole. I know you are in a completely different season of life so I will just take this as reassurance that it will get better one day. Your children didn’t COMPLAIN about the dinner?? You didn’t spend any time pickup up things off the floor that everyone else but yourself left there? Also… do you have an entirely separate fridge just for spinach storage?
Sarah, we are in very different seasons of life!!! The only time constraints I have lately are mostly self-imposed. It’s really nice, honestly! I don’t have a separate fridge for spinach but I do have two fridges!
I had to remind myself of this too, Sarah!! I was starting to feel actual envy creep in as I read this amazing and glorious recap! You truly are living the dream Nicole!! This is all so wonderful and I’m so happy for you. The views, the house, the relaxed pace day to have time for self care and exercise and relaxed dog walks and still have time to cook (without racing around like a crazy person) and read and family time…. I want to be you. 😁😂
Yes, it’s really nice to have my day to be my day – it will be yours someday too!
You’ll be there one day, Kae! And it will be sooner than you think!
Kae, I look with a bit of envy on your life since you have a lot more freedom/flexibility since your boys are pretty independent/can be left alone for long stretches of time! I’m about 10 years away from your stage of freedom, but will be older than Nicole when I reach that age. I won’t be an empty nester until 58! So you’ll be living Nicole’s life in about 8 years which will probably go pretty fast. I’m 15 years from Nicole’s empty nest stage of life! But so it goes for someone who got married/had kids very late in life…
Time goes so fast, you guys, before you know it your little birdies will be doing their own things!
I too am fascinated by these posts and it really highlights how different we all are! I always fold my fitted sheets! In fact it gives me a bit of a thrill! Also you’ve lived a whole day before I even get up in the morning (as does my husband). I am envious of your home gym as I love to lift heavy! That said, going to the actual gym is a nice escape from my children so maybe I don’t actually want a home gym at this time in my life.
ARIANA. I think I need a tutorial on how to fold fitted sheets! You should see the jumble that mine are when I try. It looks like I just balled them up and shoved them in the linen closet! I am so impressed with you and your heavy lifting. I think strength training is the number one thing to do in perimenopause and to stave off osteoporosis, and I should really do more of it (BUT I DON’T WANT TO!).
It was fun to read about your day, Nicole! I would love to hear you play the piano – how wonderful that you keep practicing. I haven’t practiced piano in such a long time. You get a lot done during a day, and it’s cool that you plan in your reading time and blog time.
As for the coffee pot – I don’t have one! I love instant coffee! I hope you haven’t lost all respect for me…
Coffee is coffee! I haven’t had instant coffee in years, but I don’t judge! Actually, I should buy some because I think it’s great to make mocha-flavoured frostings.
I really got back into practicing piano during the pandemic; I’ve played for 39 years and it would be a shame to let it all go!
Loved this! DITL posts are my favorite. the mundane are not mundane if it’s not YOUR mundane 🙂
Oh, that’s true – someone else’s mundane is my excitement! Thanks Kat!
Very interesting! You live such a different life than I do – although one I would aspire to live one day! What is the liquid/coup in your lunch, I’m thinking chocolate protein shake?
It is indeed a chocolate protein shake, with a frozen banana for extra oomph!
STUPID WEIGHTS FOR STUPID BONES! I hear you sister. I’m trying to claw my way back from not doing any weights, figuring that even though I’m all done with menopause and so on, it’s better than nothing. Should have been doing weights since I was 15, but here I am. Oh well. At least weight bearing exercise (walking) is useful, because I’ve always done that. I bribe myself to do them now by watching stupid TV while I do it. Like, reruns of 90210 stupid. It helps!
Your walk is gorgeous, I would love to live at a lake! I remember when we lived in Philadelphia I would see weeping cherry trees in bloom, and I just thought they were STUNNING.
I love Rex rolling in the grass. What a sweet, sweet guy he is.
Lololol I am so glad you hear me on this! The guys are like “But don’t you find it rewarding?” Me: “NO.” Well, kind of, I guess I’m building bone density. BUT MY GOD IT IS SO BORING. I have a program they made up for me that is 10 minutes a day, four days a week, and the thought of doing MORE than ten minutes, well, it’s absolutely depressing to me!
Honestly, your day sounds almost ideal to me. Envious of your stage of life, I will get there someday :). I’m also reading Mary Oliver in the mornings!
Mary Oliver is just the best, her poetry just makes me so happy!
Annnd, for a third comment, sorry- I forgot to say though- I ALSO WANT YOUR HOME GYM. I would use those weights in a heartbeat! A squat rack! A full set of the big dumbbells! Benches!! Perfection!!
The guys love that squat rack! I have never used it (I just use free weights) but they do all the time!
Thanks for sharing your day. I enjoy these kind of posts, too, getting a glimpse into someone’s day. We have some points of commonality in our days– I cook dinner 4-5 nights a week and I read almost every day (outside weather permitting) but I am definitely not up at 4:10 (well, maybe 4:10 your time, since you’re on the West coast and I am on the East coast).
Oh we probably ARE on the same time schedule, just different time zones. That’s a fun thing to think about! It’s funny because in a month or so J’s job will start at 5, so he’s going to be up at 4 every day!
Well this was just like slipping into a cozy pair of PJs and eating a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven. In short – perfection.
I love your day and your intentionality and your sunshiney approach to things.
I cannot get behind your morning, but you know that and we’ve moved past that in our friendship. 4:10 is the middle of the night.
Love the walks and Rex and the food and your beautiful, smiling face. LOVED THIS POST. I haven’t done a single DIL post since I started the new blog site. I guess my trip recaps are a bit like DIL, but I should do one of these soon because when I used to do them more regularly I loved looking back to see how different our days could be.
Oh yes, please please please do one! I love them so much. I’m glad you enjoyed it – and it’s funny, when people say “10:00” I immediately think AT NIGHT??? That’s insane! There’s a 10:00 at night?
Geez! You underscore how slow a reader I am! I always amazed at how many books you get through and here you are, jamming in a bit of reading here and there between all of that! 🙂 Impressive!
Darren! Hi!!! I am so excited to have a comment from you. I mean, I don’t have a full-time job, so that also helps with the ability to read a lot!
I love these day in the life posts! You are funny talking about your outfit changes. At this moment since I have to carry all that I own, I am the exact opposite of you in that I often have to wear the same thing several days. You are probably grossed out, and definitely smell better than me, but it is what it is!
I brush my teeth at least two times a day, sometimes three, and depending on my activity level, drink anywhere from 3-8 liters a day (plus as much coffee as I can find, I’m with you on the whole pot when I am at home!) the only issue with this when traveling is that it creates multiple needs for bathroom stops!
Well, Kyria, if I was on an incredible bikepacking adventure across the continent, I wouldn’t change my clothes so often either! I mean, you can’t feasibly take like 20 outfits with you just for kicks!
I love all the mundane details of life. It’s funny how everyone wakes up, does stuff, and then goes to bed, and so much is the same, but so much is different about all our ives.
Also – tell me about that picture above your piano. I love it so much!
Diane, this is exactly the thing – we all wake up, do stuff, go to bed. But it’s so different for everyone!
I also love that painting, we bought it from a local artist. It makes me so happy!
I love this. Except for the dealing with 5 freaking kids who live in my house, our days are very similar in structure. I would love to have a writing date with you guys— how dreamy. I also do not work out as hard as you do and def do not get that sweaty. I am a night time shower-er.
Yeah, the chaos of the house significantly has diminished by having only one adult son in the house, who works all day!
My sons are both nighttime shower-ers too, but I like my morning ones because I am so sweaty. Why am I so sweaty????
Love your ordinary day, Nicole… it sounds pretty ideal to me, TBH! You have time for all the fun self-care, but lots of time for family, dinner, and Rexie too. Rexie is such a great workout partner and Suzanne cameo-ed throughout your day!
Rexie is the best workout partner!
This was a delightful read. Cannot fathom a 4 am wake-up, but everything else sounds like a pretty idyllic day (less Costco and grocery put away). “Stupid weights for stupid bones” made me laugh. I also force myself to do stupid weights a few times a week. Podcasts get me through it. I have great bone density but have somehow become almost scrawny and no muscles means no strength and also lots of wrinkles. I know I need to stay strong but can it helps me do it as well. Finally tell us about that beautiful picture above your piano! I don’t know art at all I know that I LOVE it. It looks very Group of Seven.
On the weights comment I meant to type “vanity helps me do it”….trying to fill those wrinkles with muscles
Weights are just SO boring to me – but, have to do them for our bones! I hope I have good bone density too, I’m sure working at it a lot. I can’t say I’m scrawny, I seem to be going the opposite direction, but as they say on the Hit Play Not Pause podcast “thick thighs save lives!”
The painting is one of my favourites (what am I saying, they are all my favourites) and it was from a local artist. We had it back at our home in Calgary as well.
I love, love any DITL posts! Whenever I do one on my blog, people always comment that their life is too mundane to do a post like that, and I am always in disagreement with that. The mundane is what’s fascinating! We want to know how other people are living their lives.
I’m in awe of that 4:10 wake up (soo early!) and all your costume changes. I get annoyed if I have to, like, put in shoes to go for a walk. Ha. And how fun you get to do writing dates with Suzanne! I love that!
Stephany, you and I are on the same page – I love reading other people’s DITL posts, but then when it comes to my own, I think “who would want to read that?” Isn’t that funny? Because we all love them!
You have a wonderful life, even if Cosco is annoying at times. One day I’m gonna be you- but until then, little kids dominate my life 🙂 <3
Oh and your house is so beautifully uncluttered. Another <3
Thanks Daria! I had years of life that were completely dominated by kids and kid stuff, so I know it all too well!
I enjoy reading about your day and learning that you play piano. I didn’t know that. Were you playing as a kid? seriously? since my girls play piano, I want to know whether people keep playing it later in life if they started as a kid.
Yes, Coco, I started when I was 10! I love playing and although I have had times in my life where I didn’t play much, now I make it a point to play a little every day. I just enjoy it so much, and I even try to learn new songs every once in a while.