Out of respect for accuracy and to the scientific community in general, and to my friend Chris (HI CHRIS) in particular, I will not say the days are so short right now. A day is always twenty-four hours, whether we are in December or June; however, I will say whoa, there is really not much daylight right now. I mean, of course! Next week is Winter Solstice, which is NOT THE SHORTEST DAY OF THE YEAR, but it is the day with the least amount of daylight.
It is DARK, friends. Hello, darkness, my old friend, one might say. One also might say that it’s time to turn on all of the lights, maybe not the cop lights and definitely not the strobe lights, but absolutely the Christmas lights.
As you all know, when it comes to outdoor seasonal decor, my husband likes to really embrace the season in question. He gifted many of our Halloween decorations, but you can bet we brought every single Christmas item with us across the provincial line.

Yes, that IS a gnome on the top of the deck steps.

Candy Cane Lane has become Candy Cane Line, below the overhead grape rows.

My husband wanted to take out this shrub, can you imagine? It is the perfect receptacle for the sparkly balls, and as a bonus, not one has blown off the branches, causing me to find it in a neighbour’s yard or down the street, like in previous years.

He plugs them in around 3:30 in the afternoon, because the sunset is now at 3:55 pm. I, however, turn on the Christmas tree when I get up at 4:30 in the morning, and leave it on all day, because CHRISTMAS.

It has recently come to my attention, via Elisabeth (HI ELISABETH) that some people have strong feelings about white lights versus coloured lights, and I am glad I do not have to make such a serious and life altering decision, as our tree has the ability to have both. I mean, it’s like having to choose a favourite child; Sophie’s Choice, vis a vis Christmas lights.

My husband has allergies to pollen and to evergreen needles, and so we have always had an artificial tree; to me, this is a huge bonus because it can be up for extended periods of time without worry about drying out or spontaneously bursting into flames due to drying out, or, less dramatically, dropping needles. I have enough to do with regards to my floor cleanliness due to my giant dog who constantly brings in the outdoors, without worrying about my Christmas decor adding to my workload.
Speaking of Elisabeth, it’s that time for the annual Secret Santa Mug Swap – thanks to San (HI SAN) for organizing the swap! – and this year I received a lovely package from her on December first! Talk about being incredibly organized, and also, does she know me or what:

IT HAS SPROUTS ON IT. The chocolates were delicious, of course, and the sweet little bear is hanging out on my tree next to the weird paper angel my older son made when he was in preschool, that appears to have three eyes and no discernable mouth. In other words, a place of honour! Just to illustrate my sons’ different personalities, my older son insists on having that angel in the most visible spot on the tree, but my younger son will place his youthful self’s handicrafts in obscure corners facing the wall, so they are technically on the tree, but no one can see them.
I have much to say about books this week, so without further ado:
Weekly Reading

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle. My friend Hannah (HI HANNAH) told me about this book, and wow, is it ever good. If you’ve been feeling emotionally, mentally, or physically exhausted, this is the book for you. It walks through stress cycles and how to deal with stress in a healthy way, body image and our society, and how to rest in a way that is restorative to YOU, as an individual. Interestingly, it talks about the importance of physical touch and human connection for combatting health issues from stress; this came out before the pandemic but it sure explains a lot about the individual experiences from that time. My only complaint is that I didn’t read this a year ago when I really needed it. Particularly if you are a person who likes to please others or if you are a person who takes on the emotional weight of the household and feels that you are responsible for other people’s moods and happiness, this book would be incredibly resonant and helpful.

Shelley II: The Middle of My Century. Well. In 1989, after I had been obsessively rereading Shelley, Also Known As Shirley for two years, Shelley Winters published a second autobiography. At that time, I saw it in the bookstore (probably Coles) and for some reason I didn’t buy it then. I was only 14 and on a limited babysitting budget, so I probably spent my money on something really good like Thin Thighs In Thirty Days (the upshot of that book, in case you’re interested, is to do a lot of leg lifts and develop an eating disorder). Anyway, I didn’t buy Shelley II, considered buying it for a while, and then I kind of forgot about it. It has been out of print for a long time, and recently I became re-obsessed with the life and times of Shelley Winters. I actually saw a copy of this book on Thrift Books, bought it, waited with much excitement, reread the first one in preparation, and…was extremely disappointed. In the foreword she says that talk show hosts only ever wanted to talk about her many love affairs after the publication of her first book, so THIS book would be different. Womp womp. Girl, that is what I am here for! Spill the tea! There is a lot here about the Actor’s Studio and the Method – interesting, yes, but my god, so much detail and none of it sexy – and also about her explosive second marriage and subsequent divorce, AGAIN to an Italian actor. Lots of toxic detail, almost zero sex. I have to tell you, with all the discussion about every play she was in during the 50s and 60s, and her travels from New York to California to Europe and back, it was pretty repetitive and boring. Who knew that it could be so boring after such an incredible first book! Well, maybe that’s why it’s out of print. I found myself liking her a lot less after reading this and I kind of wish I hadn’t. I wish I had just left this book to my imagination.

Fairest of All. I have had a monthly date with my dear friend Nicole (HI NICOLE) since January 2018. We have not missed a month in SIX YEARS. It used to be coffee dates, and then during the pandemic it was phone calls and, later, dog walks. Now it’s phone calls again. Nicole Is the Mary Bennett to my Charlotte Lucas, and she knows my book taste better than anyone in the world. In fact, if I need advice on whether to pick up a buzzy book I ask her and she gives me a straight answer (yes to Happiness Falls, no to Station Eleven). Anyway, I was lamenting a run of bad books and she told me about this YA series that she had gotten for her kids but read herself; they are Disney fairy tales from the villain’s point of view. HELLO! This one centres around the Queen in Snow White and IT IS FUN. It takes less than two hours to read, it’s a fun and unusual retelling, and I am going to read the whole damn series.
I hope you all have a wonderful week, filled with light in this time of dark. xo
I was smiling as I read your post, because song lyrics do occupy your brain, Nicole! (Mine too!) And now I’ve been nicely schooled in the actual length of winter days, tree light choices, and ornament placement (the difference between your two boys–so cute)!
That title–Thin Thighs in Thirty Days–wow! Did you make that up? I remember seeing stuff like that on the cover pages of women’s magazines all the time. The good news there is that the current generation doesn’t really care for women’s magazines anymore, and social media continues to make a range of bodies acceptable and desirable.
I did NOT make up Thin Thighs In Thirty Days! I actually BOUGHT that book, how shameful! And those things are still on the covers of women’s magazines (I’m looking at YOU, Women’s World) that I see on display at the grocery.
Oh, I love your decorations! And, what a win to not have to chase them, haha! My daughter turns on the tree when we wake up – there is a whole lever with music set up, sigh – which starts so loud but really is so lovely when I’m having my coffee.
Aw, that sounds really lovely!
OMG, that guinea pig on that mug. I had one–a guinea pig–just like it (named Eric) when I was first married. Now I miss him and his whistles.
We have an artificial tree with white lights. I miss the multicoloured lights, but oh well. My mother (93, Alzheimer’s) is coming to stay this week, and she will comment 100x about only white lights on the tree. Sigh.
I think you should put up a huge sign outdoors that says SAVE MY BUSH throughout the year whenever your husband starts talking about cutting that one down. Just a thought.
Okay, is anyone else laughing about SAVE MY BUSH and seeing the double meaning that could be taken from this statement. Bwhahahaha. I know how your mind works, Nicole, so SURELY it went there as quickly as my mind went there?!
ERIC THE GUINEA PIG. That is absolutely charming.
Hahahaha Save My Bush!
Well I shouldn’t have read this comment at work. Am now wheezy laughing at my desk over SAVE MY BUSH. WHEEZING
We could make t-shirts too with the slogan and really get a rally going! Teehee.
I am here for this!
Your decorations are pretty. I don’t think I’d be able to resist the sequel to a book I loved in my youth either. Too bad it disappointed.
It was SO disappointing Steph!
I love the Christmas decor! And I love your tree. We always get a real tree and have colored lights. I’ve thought about switching to artificial tree (but no, we’re not quite there yet) and white lights. It was the cost of buying all new lights (when I really don’t need them, and Christmas is already expensive enough) that stopped me. But one of these days… I realize my end goal here is an artificial tree with white AND colored lights! Just out of curiosity- since you can have both, which do you prefer?
Burnout sounds really good- I’m going to look for it at our library.
Jenny, I don’t have a preference at all. I usually just alternate days that I have white or coloured, and my tree has the option to switch automatically between both every minute or so! I don’t usually do that but I like the option.
Love your decorations! So pretty. And I am so charmed to think of you carting all these little Christmas friends with you from province to province.
Like you, I am an equal opportunity lights fan. White, colorful — whatever!
And yay for light, metaphorical and otherwise, in this dark time of year.
Equal opportunity lights! Yes! Let all of them have a chance to shine!
Sunset at 3:55 would have me turning all the lights on as well.
I saw that guinea pig mug on Instagram and fell in love with it. Ella recently rescued three guinea pigs and would love it.
I loved Shelley Winters. But I agree about not talking about all the sex. WHAT IS THE POINT?? 🤣
Kari, you understand me. The first book was so dishy, and not JUST about the sex. I loved her discussion about her lifelong feud with Frank Sinatra. I mean, does it get better? Also she was fuck-buddies with Marlon Brando until he was doing A Streetcar Named Desire and was having all the sex, all the time – then she decided to call it quits. And also the stuff about old Hollywood was just great. This second book was such a bore in comparison!
Pretty lights!! And yay for your secret SANta– so darling 🙂
Isn’t that the sweetest?
I love all your outdoor decorations – and especially the gnome!!! Oh, my goodness, it’s so cute and cheerful! I’ve always had an artificial tree, ever since my youth when cleaning up fallen pine needles destroyed the vacuum! I love that artificial tree is so easy and tidy – and I agree with all of your reasons.
I actually love this darker time of year. We have sunrise at about 8:00 am and sunset at 4:45 pm. Maybe if I were further north, I’d feel differently. Christmas lights are wonderful at this time of year, and I kind of wish we could just keep them up all winter long!
The sunset is later in Calgary – like, 4:30ish – but the sunrise is also a lot later, I think at the peak (or valley) it’s at 8:40 or something. So it’s a strange feeling to have it light before 8 but dark at 4! Ah well, tis the season. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE LIGHT UP GNOMES.
Ooh, that last book is perfect for a friend of mine. I think I will surprise her with that. She loves Disney villains! 🙂 They are such interesting characters.
We are team white lights in our house but I like either outdoors. But we have zero outdoor decorations besides the window boxes outside the boys’ rooms. I would love to have Christmas lights but it is NOT PHIL’S THING. He’s a minimalist and, um, not into Christmas… I would love a Grinch inflatable even though inflatables are kind of tacky… but they make the boys so much happy! There is a house a couple of blocks away that has a cat with a bowtie in October, a Turkey in November, and a Grinch in December. We have to drive a bit out of our way so Taco can admire them. But I’ve learned to pick my battles.
We have our tree on a outlet with a programmable plug in timer thing (not the official name for the device of course…). So ours turns on at 6 am and off at 9pm. It is wonderful to come downstairs to the glow of the tree! And I’m in bed by 9 so I don’t see it go off at night. So basically the schedule is set up for my routine since Phil does not appreciate the glow of the tree as much as I do.
Lol, would you like to borrow my husband, I’m sure he could get a good lawn display happening in no time.
The Disney book was SO fun to read and I can’t wait to read all of them. Just a quick easy YA read, but super fun.
As you know, I am relatively new to my job, but I have been here for over a month now. Imagine my surprise when a woman who works in my department walked by my office this morning and said “good morning Nicole,” as if that were my name. I immediately thought of you and wondered how you would handle this. I just waved. LOL. She’ll SEE my name on my email or the nameplate on my door at some point, won’t she?!
We put the lights on (TEAM WHITE LIGHTS FOREVER) as soon as we walk in the door after work and they are the last thing to go off right before I go to bed. Christmas lights are the only things keeping me sane right now. COME BACK SUN!
I have to reply to this too. For YEARS there was a woman who called me Anne at my kids preschool. She said it so confidently the first time I couldn’t bring myself to correct her (I was just flabbergasted) because Elisabeth doesn’t really sound…anything like Anne). I did all sorts of things at the preschool including organizing the Christmas gifts for teachers which required me to send a whole bunch of e-mails SIGNED ELISABETH.
To her, I am still Anne. It is a huge joke in my family, now.
Hahahaha Anne and Elisabeth are so not the same!
Okay, I know you’re not really. But you’re an honourary member now. As I’ve mentioned before my neighbour called me Michelle for like thirteen years and then suddenly started calling me Nicole, no idea how this turn of events occurred. After a while I stopped correcting him and just answered to Michelle so it was shocking to go back to Nicole.
Engie, your name does not even start with an “N” sound, unless someone there knows you as Engie, so how the heck did that happen? I get called the wrong name all the time but it is usually because they just take a stab at the closest thing starting with a ka sound…but Nicole? Also Anne? And Michelle? This is too funny.
Kara? Katia? Kyla?
So, the reason I responded is because my nickname growing up was Nicky and I had relatives who did not realize that my name was not Nicole and I was frequently called Nicole as a child. Once I stopped going by Nicky and started going by my actual name, the Nicole thing stopped, but obviously I have leftover reticence about correcting anyone. I will be a Nicole. Nicoles are cool, OBVIOUSLY.
This makes total sense and also reminds me that my mom wanted to name me Anastasia. For simplicity, they would have called me Stacy. Stacy! It seems so not-me. Also funny thing, I have never been called Nicky. My mom was adamant that my full name be used and so I have always been a Nicole, never Nicky. Some friends call me Nic though, and I like that sometimes.
I hate that it’s dark here at 4:30, but at least we are closing in on the ‘day of least light.’ Then we’ll be moving back in the right direction. I am a white lights person, but only because we ran out of them last year and my husband put red lights on the tree, and boy was that ugly!
I remember seeing Shelly Winters on TV as a kid and not liking her. I also didn’t like Cloris Leachman, Phyllis Diller, or Joan Rivers. They all seemed extremely negative and man haters.
I am trying to think if I’ve seen anything with only red lights – usually I see red and white, or red with a bunch of other colours. Oh wait! Yes! We did have neighbours in Calgary that had red lights on all their outdoor trees and I thought it looked nice. Maybe it would be different inside though.
OK, I have to laugh at this, because on my parents’ road (far down from their house), there was a house that put up red lights on the fence and along the path to the house every year.
We called it the Gates of Hell. 🙂
I’ve never heard of Shelly Winters, so there’s that. But I did love the first part of Julie Andrews autobiography and hated the second, so I feel your pain.
I am HONOURED to have my ornament next to a monster-angel. A more prestigious spot couldn’t possibly exist.
You know how I feel about coloured lights, but how fabulous you can switch between white and coloured. That is impressive.
I’ve ordered Burnout again. I had it once and, IRONICALLY…ran out of time to read it. Excited to sit down and glean all sorts of wisdom from its pages <3
Yes, I really think you’d get a lot out of that book!
I love being able to switch between lights. There is a setting that switches automatically every few minutes and that is fun too. I am here for it!
The monster-angel and the little bear are getting along great!
I’m in full “is it December 21st yet?” mode. It’s just too frickin’ dark. I need to get to the point where we’re clocking in with a few more minutes of light each day.
YES to having the tree lights on all day. I’ve never had a “real” tree and don’t ever plan to. It just sounds like a lot of work.
Well boo to Shelley II for not turning out. I’m still going to read her first book because she is awesome.
Birchy, the first book is awesome, highly recommend for you!
Real trees do seem like a lot of work! We always had them when I was a kid and I seem to remember having to wait until the branches settled, making sure it was watered enough, etc. Too much for me!
SO DARK. My house is full of Christmas lights that I keep on all day when I’m home too. The lights on our big tree outside kind of look like my husband tried to make a blue whale – oh well.
I am going to read Burnout, obviously, if only so Hannah won’t murder me when I keep just complaining about being burned out.
Lololol yes! It is honestly so good, I think you’d get a lot out of it.
A blue whale sounds very festive!
Love the Christmas decorations. I cannot see a gnome now and not think of you. There was a “there’s gnome place like home” Christmas themed wall hanging at my uncle’s retirement center when I saw him over the weekend.
I feel like that burnout book is calling to me.
Ernie, you should read that book, with everything going on.
I’m so happy you associate me with gnomes!
I think oldest son was just getting closer to the old testament Ezekiel description of angels with that ornament and I’m here for it (this comment is for everyone who went to religious school at some point in their lives like it or not 😉
I did not go to religious school but I did go to Sunday school AND I GET AND LOVE THIS COMMENT!
Nicole, I love that you love to decorate and that your hubby puts up the outdoor stuff! My parents LOVE decorating to the max; my Mom has a full on village, they have handmade outdoor decorations (my Dad cuts them from wood, my Mom paints them) including Santa and 8 (or maybe 9?) reindeer. It is SO, SO festive and so fun to come home to during the holidays. We also really love wandering around the neighborhood during the holidays to go and look at the lights. The only thing that differs is that we are team real tree all the way, and we even cut it down ourselves…it’s tradition.
I had heard from someone else that Burnout was good; now I will definitely put it on my list. I will also add Fairest Of All; it sounds fun and I really love books like that, where the normal story is turned on it’s head. Did you read and/or enjoy Wicked? That was the first one of those kinds of books I read and I was so tickled to hear what a brat Dorothy was after loving her all those years before. I think the same author wrote one from the view of the stepsister of Cinderella which was good but not as good as Wicked.
I did not read Wicked, because my confession is I HATE the Wizard of Oz. I have never made it all the way through the movie, although I have seen scenes of it. Just the thought of it suddenly makes my shoulders creep up to my ears. I have a real visceral loathing for it – that and ET, which I have also never made it all the way through! But I think you’d love Fairest of All, it’s just fun!
ET is so creepy. Also, the flying monkeys in TWOO may be the reason I do not watch films to this day. So, Nicole, we are total agreement on those movies. But Wicked is a GOOD book.
Oh my god the flying monkeys! Well, maybe I’ll read it – I’m so averse to the whole thing though. We’ll see!
OMG – the shrub with all the sparkly balls! How awesome is that?
I kind of felt the same way about Julie Andrews’ second memoir as you did about Shelley Winters’. Not that Andrew’s book was anything like salacious or juicy, but it just got uninteresting after she got to Hollywood and made Mary Poppins. There were so many great stories and details about the first part of her life and then after that, she just worked a lot and made movies. Maybe she was afraid of telling juicy stories of people who were still alive? I remember being really fascinated by a copy of Jayne Mansfield’s memoir when I was growing up – not sure I read it, but the photos were sooooo glamourous and oozing sex.
I don’t think I read Burnout – or maybe I read the first few chapters and then had to return it to the library because I couldn’t find time to read it.Did it talk about singing as a way to reduce stress? I feel like that was in the book and I thought it was a great idea.
Same with the Julie Andrews two-part biography!
Diane, I have never read that but it sounds similar (other than the sex stuff). Just how Shelley got breaks and made her career were fascinating! Then after that it was like, she’s a movie star, she does a hundred plays…blah blah blah.
Yes, that’s the book! It’s so good.
Cute mug!!!!!! I actually love how dark it is, makes me want to curl up next to your Christmas tree. NJ has so much light pollution that it doesn’t actually get that dark. Placed a hold on that burnout book- I need to read it- but there is 10 weeks wait! 🙁
The dark is very cozy, that’s for sure!
For years, I was a staunch white lights on the tree only kind of person, much to my son’s dismay. But this year we bought a new tree – and can have white or colors and I find I don’t mind the colored lights; but it usually stays on white since I forget about the possibility. I generally plug the tree in first thing and leave it lit all day; what’s the point of putting up the tree if you are going to leave it unlit all day?
Does yours have the ability to change lights automatically? Mine does but I hardly ever use it – maybe today!
I am also equal opportunity about Christmas lights! My artificial tree also switches between white and colored and every few days, I’ll switch it to a different option, which keeps things fun and interesting!
I’ve heard such good things about that Burnout book. I don’t really deal with stress like that, but I do have a friend in mind who could probably find it really useful. I may buy it for her for Christmas – thanks for the rec!
I love “equal opportunity Christmas lights.” YES! I love them all!
I love your decorations! On my walk this morning, I saw a house with a tree that had lights that switched between colored and white lights every minute or so, and I LOVED IT. Does your tree come with such lights, or are the lights separate that you put on the tree? We bought our tiny little fake tree just last year, and the lights are white, but I think our next tree might have to alternate.
Thin thighs in 30 days. Ugh. Yeah, I remember this, and how shitty it made me feel about my own body without even reading it.
J, the tree came pre-lit, so not only do we just press a button and the lights come on, but also, my husband doesn’t have to have all the lights just so as we set up the tree. WINNING. You can cycle through different light options – white, coloured, both alternating, twinkling, etc.,
Also, yes to Thin Thighs, and also every single woman’s magazine ever (lose ten pounds in ten days!)
I am also team white lights but I just restrung Christmas lights on our (also artificial) tree and while the lights are white, it has seven modes of twinkling and blinking LOL We always used to have a real tree at home but I am embracing the artificial tree life.
I love that your husband embraces the decorations. I have to fight to put up any… although once it’s up, Jon usually does like it 🙂
Oops, hit submit too fast… I am of course extremely thrilled that you a) participated in the Secret SANta Swap again this year and b) received such a thoughtful package from Elisabeth. The guinea pig with the sprouts gives me all the hearteyes 🙂
Me too! I love it so much.
We are one step away from the Griswolds around here! So many lights and decorations! I try to cram something into every little corner.
Nicole, I LOVE seeing all of your decorations and ALL the ways you embrace the season. Just because I don’t do it for myself, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate others who love the holidays so much. Thank you for sharing the joy with the rest of us. <3 (Also, I just love your gnomes. Gnomes forever, for sure.)
Thanks Anne! I love it!
I have to comment on the white vs. colored lights! I grew up with a multicolored star and colored lights. Of course, I had to rebel and get an angel and white lights (so much more classy, thought snobby young me). Then, as my kids grew up, my oldest (a boy, now 26) wanted a star and colored lights, and the youngest (a girl, now 24) wanted an angel and white lights (of course!). So now our tradition is to alternate years, odd for my son, as his date of birth is the February 21st, and even for my daughter, born on January 18.
Oh, I love this, Ann! I love the thought of alternating lights. We never had a star when I was a kid, always an angel. But now I have a star. I don’t really have feelings one way or the other about which I prefer, and I definitely don’t have a preference about lights. I just love it all!
The sun goes down before 4pm? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL DARK HELL? I was losing my marbles when it gets dark at 5:30.
Your outdoor and indoor areas are so very festive. I admire your husband’s handiwork and tenacity with the Christmas lights; it’s lovely! I love both colored and white lights on a tree, so your setup is perfect!
Girl, I can’t see a Gnome and NOT THINK OF YOU. ❤️
Oh Suz, it’s one of the perils of being up north. On the upside, sunset in June is really late! That doesn’t make up for the COMPLETE DARKNESS in the afternoon though!