“I don’t know how anyone can live in Calgary for any amount of time and STILL be surprised by snow in April,” my son’s podiatrist said to me, conversationally, as the snow flew sideways outside the window in the exam room. I agreed, and went further: snow in May hardly makes me blink, although I did feel a little alarmed at the snow mixed with thunder that was happening at the time.

I took a few photos, not for shock value on social media – there would have to be a real dump of it for that, and this was barely a centimetre – but because the snow looked really pretty contrasted with the blue skies, giving rise to the very popular Calgarian view that “at least it’s sunny.” Blue skies are lovely, it’s true, although given the choice I would take grey skies and much shorter winter duration.

I like to take photos, but I also like to have my picture taken. There is a photo, circa 1979, of my dad and brother dressed up for a Scout meeting, and I am in the corner of the photo. I remember desperately wanting to be in the photo, but being told this was a special photo just for the two of them. I was photobombing before photobombing was a thing.
I was thinking about this when I was recently taking photos of the guys on the beach; a woman offered to take photos of the four of us, which I gratefully accepted. She said to me that moms are always behind the camera, and should be in photos more, and I think that’s very true generally, but not particularly in my case. I appreciated the sentiment, but there are lots of photos of me, and when all else fails, there are selfies!
Recently Engie (HI ENGIE) asked how to take a good photo of yourself, and I have two pieces of advice: find good lighting, and shoot from above. The first photo is a straight-on shot, and you can see that by taking the angle higher, it results in a more flattering photo.

That last photo cracks me up. A few years ago, my MIL discovered the selfie function on her phone while looking down at her phone, and was absolutely horrified to see herself in that way. She told me tearfully that she could not BELIEVE how bad she looked and how much she has aged and is that what people see when they look at her? GOD NO, I told her. I was quick to assure her that NO ONE is seen in that angle and that we all look terrible when shot from below. Shoot from above! Find good lighting in the house! If all else fails, try the car.
Even with good lighting, not everyone loves having their photos taken; we all like different things, of course. I was thinking about the rich tapestry that is our world when I was recently in a bookstore: there are so many different kinds of books. How many books have been written in the history of time? It’s overwhelming to think of, but also heartening because there is something for everyone. No matter your taste, there is something out there.
I read a lot and I do try to read a wide variety of things, but within certain parameters. My dislike for dystopia, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy is well-known, so I avoid those genres. I love books that are very character-driven, rather than plot-driven, and I have been told at times – usually by strangers or slight acquaintances on Instagram – that such books are boring. I suppose to some they are, because I find my avoided genres to be boring, among other things, and so it doesn’t bother me that we don’t all share the same view.
But sometimes, it does bother me. Not often, but sometimes I will share my feelings about a book to a friend who has similar tastes to me, and then I will be taken aback when that friend isn’t on the same page, so to speak. I have many friends with widely diverging tastes, and so this is a very infrequent occurrence, but sometimes I do feel a bit hurt when a friend doesn’t love something in the same way, when usually they do.
This is a very silly way to feel, because I didn’t write the book, I have no stake in the outcome of the book, and yet. Several years ago, after I talked about how much I loved Calypso, a friend mentioned she had read it and hated it. I was so surprised since we had shared a similar view of many books, but when she said I just don’t get it, it’s not funny at all, I admit to questioning everything we had talked about before. Who is this person, I wondered, maybe we don’t have anything in common after all.
There are people who prefer cats to dogs, and although I can neither understand nor relate to such feelings, I can appreciate those people all the same. And most of the time I simply appreciate that we all have different reading tastes and love different things, but once in a while I will feel a bit hurt and put out. It feels like a dog person saying how much they love dogs, but they don’t love MY dog.

Speaking of my dog, he was a bit put out that I had to leave him to go to the dentist. I was mentally prepared for it to take all afternoon, but happily for Rex it turned out to be only a cleaning, not a checkup, and it took only fifty minutes. Some of you may recall my last dental appointment, which took ninety minutes, much of which was probably due to the long, involved conversations I ended up having with the hygienist.
Sometimes I wonder is it just me or everyone, and now I realize that no, it’s just me. A simple cleaning probably should not take fifty minutes, but the I ended up in another long, involved conversation with the hygienist, a different one from last time. She kept stopping what she was doing to get my reaction to her viewpoint, or to ask me a question, and while I’m always happy to chat, I did at one point think could she just talk and I listen? Would it be rude to ask her to just keep scaling?
It is interesting to think of how one topic segues into another, and sometimes I wonder how did we get here from there? What is the thread that links topics? Unsettlingly, sometimes no such thread exists. Our conversation started, as it always does, with yoga. As soon as a stranger learns I am a yoga teacher, the conversation naturally goes into that person’s experience with yoga, and their love for or hatred of it. After that we discussed the following, in order: seed cycling for hormone support, bodybuilding and how the hygienist placed second in the Bikini Division of a recent competition, the use of creatine and supplements in the bodybuilding world and how the hygienist refuses to use them, leading to a second-place only, our favourite red wine varietals, the Peloton instructor Cody Rigsby, ziplining in Costa Rica, competitive dance routines set to Mamma Mia, salsa dancing, the hygienist’s broken foot and the physiotherapy she is doing, her ex-boyfriend’s habit of leaving used dental floss on the living room coffee table, germ phobia and the increase of such feelings during the pandemic, and lipstick. How did we get there? I don’t know exactly, but shout-out to Cover Girl Outlast lipstick. “Oh wow, this is the most amazing lipstick!” the hygienist said to me. “This whole time, it hasn’t smudged or left a mark on my gloves at all!” Getting through a dental cleaning with perfect lipstick does feel like a win, and also, seed cycling? Who knew! Certainly not me; life is so interesting, you can learn new things every day.
Weekly Reading

The Social Climber. I thought this was going to be a rags-to-riches story, instead it’s a novel of revenge. The first half of the book, I was sure the book was going to go one way, and did it ever veer in a different direction! It was very entertaining, with some very unexpected twists. Thanks to Birchy (HI BIRCHY) for the recommendation!

Trespasses. At the heart of the novel is a love affair between a twenty-something teacher who occasionally works in the family pub, and a married man twice her age who is a renowned barrister. This simple affair is greatly complicated as it takes place in Belfast 1975, the height of the Troubles. To be honest, this is a time and place I know little about so I spent a lot of time looking things up to understand context, characters, and what was happening. Without that info, this story is confusing and difficult to understand. But oh! It’s really excellent. It’s so moving and I literally gasped out loud at some parts. DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH MARRIED MEN is always a good place to start but when the married man is a Protestant who defends IRA members, and the woman is Catholic, and it’s Ireland in the 70s…things might be even more doomed. If you don’t have a background on the Troubles, like me, use this book to do some research and reading. It’s really good. Who recommended this? I feel like one of my readers did and I cannot recall who. If it was you, let me know!

Hello Molly! Sometimes I’ll read a memoir by a celebrity I hardly know, and I’ll feel like I really wish I hadn’t. But this was the exact opposite. Molly Shannon is an incredibly hard working, interesting, and inspiring woman. She had a really tough start to life – she was in a car crash caused by her father when she was four, and her mom, baby sister, and cousin were all killed – and wow, did she ever do everything in her power to live a happy and fulfilling life. This was a very easy to read and quite uplifting memoir. I can’t say I was a Molly Shannon Fan before – but I am now!
It’s going to be a busy and fun week ahead; lots to do, and also, it’s my Birthday Week! I hope you have a wonderful week. xo
Happy birthday week! So many wise things in this! I’ve struggled with the picture thing my whole life (I just don’t love having someone else frame me) but having my daughter changed all of that. She loves pictures and especially pictures of us, so I’ve developed selfie skills, as well as learned to be more open to being photographed with and by her. PS: I can’t count how many conversations I’ve had about something else that somehow touch on Cody Rigsby; he just pops up!!
I think that’s so great, Lindsay! This way when your daughter is older she can look back on photos of the two of you. I think it’s so important!
How could anyone NOT like Rex, is what I want to know? I am a cat person and yet I adore Rex, even without having ever met him! I realize you didn’t say that a single person had spoken out against your pupper, but I feel defensive nonetheless.
I love your selfies!
And whew! what a wide array of topics you covered with your hygienist! I do wish there were a way to tell one’s hygienist to just keep talking without requiring input. Or, most especially, without STOPPING THE CLEANING. I think Swistle said, at one point, that she says at the beginning of the appointment: “I want to hear about your boyfriend, your grandkids, and the state of your home reno.” and then just settles back for the cleaning. That sounds IDEAL. Once I get to know my hygienist better, I plan to do this very thing.
Also! Happy birthday week!!!!! Hooray! I hope the air is filled with celebration, alongside the snow.
I love your defensiveness! No one has said anything negative about him (THAT I KNOW OF) but I love that you’re in my corner!
I wish I had done what Swistle had done; just gotten the hygienist to talk. She seemed to really want to know my opinions, and she’d ask me questions and then take the instruments out of my mouth and waited for me to answer. I just…okay…
Oooh! Happy Birthday! I hope you go all out and have a week of celebrating.
The selfie from below made me laugh. Yes, I’ve done that before- hit the selfie function on my phone accidentally, while scowling horribly in some unflattering pose, and am totally horrified by how I look. Never, ever shoot from below.
I think we have a slightly different taste in books, because I definitely prefer plot-driven stories. If a book is “character-driven” then I always see that as a code for “nothing really happens.” Even though I accept this about myself, sometimes it makes me feel kind of shallow- like I need lots of action to keep me entertained? Anyway, all the books you mentioned sound good! Molly Shannon’s story sounds fascinating.
i’ll just go on record as saying I’m a cat person, but I LOVE Rex!!!
Please don’t feel shallow, Jenny!!! We like different things! I do tend to like books in which very little actually happens, although once in a while I like a good plot – Suzanne has recently given me some really great recommendations!
Lol, the selfie from below. At least I had makeup on. I have accidentally done that first thing in the morning and whew, that is not for the faint hearted.
Happy Birthday Week, Nicole!!! 🥳 🎁 🎂 I love both the straight-on as well as from-above selfies! The from-below is bad only because you’re not smiling in it! That’s cheating (j/k)!
Also, book recommendations are iffy, aren’t they? Same with people sharing their creative work–it gets awkward fast if you don’t like someone’s writing/painting/crafting. The dearest friends are definitely the ones whose book recommendations I enjoy and vice versa. Someone said I was like a book valet once, and it’s one of my favorite compliments.
I wish you’d recorded that conversation with your hygienist–what a spiel. And wow–that Molly Shannon story sounds amazing–what a start to life, eh?
Oh goodness, yes. I am lucky in that all my creative friends make things I love – but it would be really awkward if that wasn’t the case.
A book valet! I love that.
I think the Venn diagram of our reading taste would have a fair amount of overlap (character-driven realistic fiction, mostly by women) but also notable areas of non-overlap (horror, sci fi, and dystopia for me; celebrity memoir for you). Different strokes for different folks.
And of course, I am a cat person, but I have nothing against dogs and I wish them all to find homes with people who love them like crazy, like all pets deserve. Your family and Rex seem like a perfect fit.
Happy b-day in advance!
Steph, I love the Venn diagram thoughts. You know me so well! I cannot resist a (female) celebrity memoir, even when I have no idea who the celebrity is, which happens more often the older I get.
I used to be a car person but I have somehow changed to a dog person. I think it’s that they are so happy, make one exercise and the ones I have do not shed! I have read about seed cycling but I admit it confuses me. Cody Rigsby is so fun and I want to try other instructors but find myself picking his classes all the time! Our book taste is very similar!! Happy Birthday Week! 🥳
Oh Anna, our book taste is so similar; you are a person I am VERY confident about recommending books to! And I like all the books that you also recommend!
Once upon a time a bookish friend and I did a book swap of our 3 all time favorite books. It was such a bust and I couldn’t believe how different our tastes were. I read her first book to be polite and I don’t think she was even able to finish the first one of mine. It definitely made me question the friendship and we’re not in touch today so….
I’ve never met a not-chatty hygienist. I wonder if it’s part of their training? Also is seed cycling still a thing? It’s been years and years and years since I last heard of it.
As you know, The Social Climber really kicked off a reading streak for me. I can’t explain why I found it so satisfying from page 1 but it just did the trick for me. I’ve got my eyes on Trespasses and Hello Molly.
Oh, that is like a cautionary tale about the books! I like hearing about other people’s favourites, but unless I know FOR SURE they share my tastes, I wouldn’t be able to swap!
This was the first I have ever heard about seed cycling, and the hygienist was totally into it. She is 29 so maybe it’s resurging with the youth!
I didn’t even read the rest of your post because I needed to tell you that a friend of mine read a book that I absolutely loved, and she did so because of me. Then I saw yesterday that she gave it a low rating on Goodreads and left a negative review. It made me feel sad. I kept telling myself that I was being silly, but it bothered me. I’m so glad I read your blog this morning because it has made me feel so much better about this. 😂❤️
That last selfie. OMG. I love you.
See, this is why I don’t go on goodreads. I just find it too sad when I absolutely love something, and then I see it trashed. Recently I had that experience with Girls They Write Songs About, which I loved, and then it was just terribly rated on goodreads! And a recent book I read that I loved, I saw a friend give it a low rating on goodreads and I thought, why? WHY?
Because of you, I was going to add that book to my TBR list, but when I went on Goodreads, I noticed the negative reviews! I added it anyway because EFF YOU GOODREADS REVIEWERS. 🤣
Oooh I wonder what you’ll think of it!
Great post! Personally, I don’t like doing selfies because I think I look bad in any close up photos, and my arm is only so long! I don’t mind photos where someone stands far away – I actually look young in those 🙂
I have loved every Sedaris book except the animal one (Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk). I’m totally with you in loving character-driven books. I love dialogue and detest books that go on and on with descriptive settings, etc. Get to the point! Like you, I have zero interest in horror, fantasy, or sci-fi. Add self-help books to the no thank you list as well.
I totally enjoyed the Molly Shannon book. I have liked most memoirs I’ve read lately. The only one I couldn’t get into was Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey.
You are a fun and interesting person, Nicole!
Thanks so much Bijoux!
Maybe you would like a selfie stick! I see them around, still, occasionally. Although I think having an actual person photographing is much better.
I don’t like Sedaris’ fiction but I love his essays. Happy Go Lucky was one that didn’t have me in stitches, but it was very sad and moving.
Oh wow, I did not know about Molly Shannon’s devastating personal history. Wow. Just wow. I read a celebrity memoir last week, too – Matthew Perry’s memoir about addictions. I want someone else I know to read this so we can discuss. I was not a huge Friends fan but decided to read it to learn more about addiction. I believe he said he spent $7mm on rehab programs. Which makes me wonder how a normal person with limited means can fight addiction…
I think you should read “Hello Beautiful.” I am sure it will be in my top books of 2023. It’s definitely character driven and it written by a female author. I loved it so very much. I get nervous recommending books to others because then I feel personally responsible if they don’t like the book – like they wasted their time because of me! It is fascinating that people can have such hugely different opinions about books. Like my very good friend said “A Psalm for the Wild Built” was her best read the year she read it. So I checked it out and did not like it at all and still cannot understand why she loved the book. It’s completely mystifying to me. This friend loves sci-fi, though, but I can sometimes like sci-fi adjacent books but I don’t even know if this was sci-fi. But now I know to not read further into that series.
I like it when people offer to take pictures of me and my kids. I am in so few pictures which is why I force our family to do family pictures. I have some selfies with the kids, which is fine, but it’s hard to take selfies with small children sometimes. So I appreciate having some posed photos w/ the boys and Phil.
I wish I could talk to you about the Matthew Perry book, but not only did I DNF it, I actually DNS it! I flipped through and thought NO. But that is ME, because I have a really hard time with addiction memoirs. I had it on hold at the library for a long time, not really knowing, and then a friend reviewed it and said it was mostly about his addictions. I thought I’d give it a try…but just couldn’t.
I will look into Hello Beautiful!
Oh my god, I relate so much to the bit about that feeling of betrayal when someone dislikes/hates a book you absolutely love.
Also, that last selfie is absolutely iconic!!
I hope you have an amazing birthday week! <3
It’s so interesting because I rarely feel that way – but then sometimes, it just feels so awful!
“snow in May hardly makes me blink, although I did feel a little alarmed at the snow mixed with thunder that was happening at the time.” – SNOW MIXED WITH THUNDER. Yikes. Also, I would definitely blink at snow in May.
I had no idea about Molly Shannon; there is so much heartbreak out there. I read Demi Moore’s memoir earlier this year and it was sad and shocking all she had been through. We think we “know” people from there public profile, but they often have tremendous suffering past and present.
Snow with thunder was VERY weird. The sky looked like it does before a thunderstorm, too, which added to the apocalyptic nature of the snow.
I have heard about Demi Moore’s memoir, and what a sad life she had. Molly Shannon was really an uplifting – and very easy – book to read. Her soul is just beautiful.
So, I think the deal with selfies is that I don’t actually think the one taken from above is more flattering. The light is better and there are fewer shadows, but I think your features are highlighted better in the one taken straight on. So, I think this comes down to me knowing the rules of selfies, but not really agreeing. LOL. Who would have thought that I would be contrarian?
I hope you have a wonderful birthday week and that the snow eventually stops. Yes, it CAN snow in April (I’m looking at some right outside my window right now), but it SHOULD NOT.
I appreciate you like that photo, but I strongly disagree! But thank you! I do think a photo that isn’t a selfie is usually better though.
You know how there are some people that the camera loves? Well, I’m a person that the camera does not love. I’ve been this way my whole life and I’m not saying it in some kind of weird modesty way, it’s just accurate. Back in my mid-20s one of my best friends got married and I was in her wedding party. I had told her for years that I didn’t take good photos but she clearly thought I was just being hard on myself until she got her wedding pics back (this was in the age of film not digital) and she was surprised? appalled? to see that every photo of me was terrible even though I’d clearly tried, I’d looked good in person, and they were taken by a professional. Her statement to me: “gosh, you really don’t take good pictures.” I mean I tried to tell her… (Also in my 20s I had a boyfriend who looked at my work ID photo ask me if I “used to be a lot heavier” I did not) I figure I’ve got other strengths, you just can’t have everything…
I am both a cat and dog person. The only people I don’t understand are people who don’t like animals at all. I know to each their own, but I really struggle to get my head around that.
You know, I have a handful of friends who are similar! So beautiful in person and yet the camera somehow just doesn’t capture it. I don’t know why or how, but it’s true. And on the flip, my husband has a friend who is pretty mediocre looking, but his features are such that he photographs amazing. Like, chiseled jaw amazing.
Hahaha, yes, the awful selfie camera is just evil. The worst is when you think it’s not on selfie mode and you look down at your phone and there you are, looking back at up yourself from a HORRIBLY unflattering angle… haha! I think part of the issue with selfies (even intentional ones, not the accidental double-chin looking ones) is that it’s just tooooo close up!! I feel like every little thing shows up, be it my teeth looking weird or yellow or my eye wrinkles or a spot on my face… haha. Just give me a little distance!! lol! I generally agree that the angle from slightly above is better. I guess it just depends. Same even with regular/ standing up photos- I feel like I prefer just a slightly above angle. I don’t like it if someone offers to take our family photo somewhere and then they crouch down to try to get us from this weird low angle, presumably to get the object behind us, too, but it just looks funny to me!
YES KAE! I agree. I like to get my sons to take photos of me because they are taller, so they are naturally taking from a higher angle! And eeeeeee the accidental selfie. Some are just too funny not to share though! I don’t mind a selfie BUT I think a well-distanced shot from someone (taller?) is always better!
I loooooove thunder snow– we had some last night, in fact. Give me snow in April over high 80s temps, for sure (which we ALSO had a few days ago).
Happy Birthday! I’m a person who dislikes having my photo taken and never take selfies [okay maybe 2]. I know, I know, this makes me an outlier in this world. Now as for photographing your pet, THAT I can get behind 100%.
Well, that’s good Ally because as you know, my IG is a steady stream of dog photos interspersed with books and maybe an avocado!
Oh yes, always take a selfie from above! I can get away with some straight-on photos – it just depends how I lower my chin and such. Taking a good selfie is one of my superpowers, I think, but that feels kinda shallow to say. Haha. But I love taking selfies and I’m always proud of an especially good one!
I have a friend who ALWAYS takes photos from that third angle. She’s younger than me, too, so she should KNOW that is a no-no. Never take a photo from below. None of us looks good from that angle!
Who are these chatty dental hygienists everyone in the blog world keeps going to??? I have never had a chatty hygienist! This means I’ll get one at my next cleaning, doesn’t it???
Wait what. Someone takes a photo like that on purpose? NO.
You DO take a good selfie! You have your angles and lighting DOWN!
You are too awesome with your selfie angles! You always know how to brighten my day!
I used to be a librarian, and so was constantly asked for book recommendations. I learned quickly that I couldn’t take it personally if someone didn’t like my recommendations! In fact, it often led to some really fun conversations. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
I didn’t know you used to be a librarian! How cool is that! Recommendations are so tricky, I like to know what ELSE someone has liked or disliked before recommending books!
As for the selfie, lololol, who among us hasn’t accidentally selfied and then been horrified!
As for photos. Someone once told me you know who your true friends are based on where they hold the phone when they take your photo. If they hold the phone high, they are a good friend. Straight on, so-so. Down low-they are obviously your enemy.
Laura, you are on to something here! Unless that friend is really tiny, or a child, shooting down low is a signal of enemy fire!
Thanks Gigi!
The snow. Eek. I don’t know how you manage. It was in the 80 here last week. Then today it snowed and it was in the 30’s. That has been such a bummer. I can’t imagine snow falling into May.
I’m laughing at your wish that the hygentist would just clean and talk while you listen. It makes sense, but just think – she must’ve really valued what you had to say, beause my guess is she wouldn’t willilngly get behind schedule.
I didn’t know Molly Shannon wrote a memoir. I really want to read it. Coach went to a Halloween party dressed as one of her SNL characters back in the day. He wore my old Catholic school plaid uniform skirt and a long black wig. I can ‘t for the life of me remember what the name of the character was. She smelled her armpits a lot or something. She is a genuis comic. I didn’t know that about her childhood. How devestating.
Happy birthday week. Mini’s birthday week was lasts week. We don’t normally celebrate all week, but since I wanted to go deliver the banners – well, of course I made Rocky Road Fudge Bars and invited the girls to sing to her. Hope you enjoy your week and perhaps some warmer temps too.
Ernie, you would LOVE that Molly Shannon book. Her life was not easy, but the way she carries herself, and worked hard, is just so inspiring. She is a beautiful soul and it really shines through!
Happy birthday to Mini! April birthdays are great!
I was a very photogenic child (halo of white blonde curls, big blue eyes), but as an adult I’ve grown to HATE having my picture taken! I’m always that person trying to hide behind everyone else in a group photo, and will literally turn away if I see a camera pointed in my direction at social gatherings. I’m genuinely happy in my own skin, living life, going about my days, and then every so often someone will sneak a photo and nine times out of ten I’ll feel completely crushed by the image they capture. Maybe I need to practice with the selfie thing and find my better angles – I do feel bad at the thought of my children not having any photos of me to look at when I’m gone!
I really enjoy your book reviews – I’m a former bookworm trying to get back to my book-worming ways, and it’s so helpful to have someone else do the pre-reading for me!
Thanks so much, Amelia!
I’m sorry you feel that way about photos – I have some friends who are so lovely, but they just hate photos of themselves.
I bet you were an absolutely adorable child and that you are a beautiful woman now. xo
We had thunder-snow too! Or thunder freezing rain. It is extremely unsettling.
I had a period of “don’t take my picture”, and then a few things, including a Swistle post, made me realize this was silly. I can still find looking at pictures of myself jarring, but I’m trying to be more philosophical about it. And Eve regularly rolls her eyes when I accidentally catch myself with the front camera and scream, then takes unflattering pics of herself to make me feel better.
It is so funny about the book opinions thing. I feel the same way – most of the time I’m totally cool with everyone having their own favourite genres, their own different opinions about the same books, but sometimes a book speaks to me so deeply I feel like – how can you understand me if you don’t get how profound and wonderful this book is? And it can be as simple as someone who needs to like a main character to like a book and someone who doesn’t.
I’ve read a few celebrity memoirs – two in particular, recently – that really shook me with how tormented and traumatized many actors are, especially ones that started acting young.
Yes, I totally hear you! Mostly it’s fine but once in a while I’ll be like “what? Why don’t you? what?”
THUNDER SNOW. That’s a thing that shouldn’t go together!
Thanks for sharing the selfie tricks, Nicole! I’m one of those people who don’t like how she looks in pictures! I think I don’t photograph well, but then when I think that, I also think, “But maybe that’s how I really look to people? Maybe I’m looking at myself in mirrors with rose colored glasses?” Argh!! And videos! I don’t like how I look in videos and how I sound! Geeez…isn’t it pleasant to be me??? LOL
Wow, that is a lot of snow for April…but maybe not for Calgary. It’s been beautiful here in SoCal but I turned on the heater on Monday — it was cold!
I used to read a lot but never kept tabs on titles of books or authors. I have been known to keep borrowing the same book because I forgot I’ve read them before. And this was also not good when people ask for book recommendations — because rarely will I remember the name of the book or that author (unless I cheat and look them up online)! I am a crime/mystery fan and there are so many authors and books of that genre but I do remember some of the more popular authors with book series (or at least their main characters).
I had my dental cleaning the other day, and my hygienist was done with me in 15-20mins and another 5mins with the dentist and I was out of there! There was some chatting in the beginning but once she got going, there was not much chit-chat so that was good.
I bet you look absolutely lovely! However, I also am always taken aback at how I SOUND on video. Is that really my voice??
I do keep track of books and I still have accidentally checked out the same book more than once. “Hmmm…this seems familiar…”
Gosh, 25 minutes at the dentist seems like a dream to me!
Thunder snow. We had this last year in GA and I was all WTH is this?
Happy happy birthday to you, my sweet friend!
I remembered your long winded hygienist…it really feels like it was a few weeks ago which makes me think: when is my next cleaning?
I had a giggle at your face down selfie; not good for any human on the planet!
Hahaha, same girl, same. It felt like just yesterday but in fact it was in September!
I’m so far behind on blogs, this is last week’s post! I tend toward plot-driven books, but yet one of my favorite authors now is Claire Fuller, and she seems more character driven. So who knows? I’ve definitely had books recommended to me that I didn’t like – a friend lent me a book once and I finally returned it to her half-read because I couldn’t do it. She was great about it, too, she said, don’t finish if you don’t like it! I am trying to be better about giving disclaimers like, “I loved this book, but it’s not for everyone.” Also I hope you are not offended by my saying that I don’t like dogs… I’m sure your particular dog is just lovely and I’m glad you have him!
Oh Sarah, no offence taken at all! Believe me, I understand because I’m not a cat person, but I’m glad other people have cats and enjoy them!
Ah, selfies. The bane of my existence. I hate – HATE – having my picture taken and avoid it at all costs. I’ve talked about this before on my blog… but it’s just not something I like. So I admire you for a) your willingness to be photographed, and b) your ability to photograph yourself so that you don’t look like a criminal. Which is what I look like, LOL.
We all like different things! A lot of people really dislike having their photo taken, for sure!
Yes, good lighting and the right angle are everything 🙂 You got it down!
Thanks so much!