With only a couple of exceptions, we have had the most beautiful summer weather over the past few weeks. In fact, we even had a HEAT WAVE. Now, before my friends in the southern part of the US start to feel sympathy for me in this heat wave, let me show you the warning from Environment Canada to give some context:

For those of you who think in terms of Fahrenheit, let me translate: the daily highs varied between 82.4 and 89.6, with overnight lows in the 50s. That, friends, is what constitutes a heat wave in Calgary. The entire city starts to melt and shrivel in such crazy hot temperatures.
Have you finished wiping away your tears of laughter?
As I’m going through the process of loving and appreciating all the clothes I have, as per The Big Project, I wanted to share with you a typical week’s worth of summer outfits; the week includes our Heat Wave but also a day or two of cooler temperatures, because it’s all about volatility in this city.
As previously discussed in A Week of Spring Outfits, the Curated Closet encourages the idea of a “uniform,” and my Summer Uniform for hot (or, “hot”) days is comprised of a skirt with shorts attached (a “skort”), and a shelf-bra yoga tank. Non-hot days call for a uniform similar to the rest of the year: fitted pants with a yoga tank or a tee, sometimes layered.
One Week Of Summer Outfits
The week starts on Thursday, which happened to be the start of what I have been thinking of as Summer Vacation. Because of the Heat Wave, I decided to take the boys up to visit my parents at the lake. My husband was busy with work, so we decided to go up on Thursday after my younger son’s driving lesson and come home on Saturday, and it was the most perfect visit you can imagine.
Behold the Summer Uniform! I have had this skirt since at least 2015, and the tank since probably 2010, but possibly longer. Needless to say, this outfit is a longtime favourite! I don’t wear much colour as a rule, but I do like a little pop in the summer on occasion.

This was a perfect outfit for driving – very comfortable – and great for drinking wine while the boys paddleboarded in the evening, prior to a couple raucous dice games with my parents.
This day might go down as one of the best days of all time. I will be remembering it forever, I think. It was truly perfect: I went for a sweet run in the morning, and then we spent the day on the boat. The weather was perfect and the water – which only two weeks ago was absolutely frigid – was swimming-pool temperature. The boys and I jumped off the boat and swam a lot, and the boys tried out the Big Mable for the first time in three or four years, and we just had the best time. Many thanks to my dad for being our captain for the afternoon!

I spent most of the day in a bikini and booty shorts, but by late afternoon my look was more Drowned Rat than anything, so I attempted to make myself presentable for Margarita Hour and dinner.

This is an actual tank top – from Jacob, which closed its doors in 2015, so who knows how old it is – and I’m wearing an actual bra, which I feel is notable. The skirt is probably four years old and makes me feel lovely and summery.
Sadly, time to go home! I took a solo paddleboard in the morning on the perfectly-quiet lake and then we headed home. I was only away from my garden for a day, but it needed some love, particularly the tomatoes.

Before I get to the outfit, I have to tell you about this watering wand from Lee Valley Tools. It was a birthday gift this year and it’s amazing. You know when you have an old tool that doesn’t work well but it works well enough, and then it’s replaced with a far superior model and you can’t believe how long you put up with the crappy old tool? That was my experience with this watering wand. My old one leaked, so every time I used it my shoes and pants would be wet; this new wand is like entering a whole new world of hand-held garden irrigation.
This tank top, in a subtle camouflage, feels new, but it must be at least four or five years old. Isn’t that funny how that happens? And my black skirt, well, it’s a Summer Staple.
It was a lovely surprise that my husband decided to take this week off; something was delayed, work-wise, and believe me, if he has the chance to take time off, he should take it. This is not something that happens with any sort of frequency; more typically he is working on our holidays and weekends, do not get me started on Easter weekend this year. In any case, on Sunday he decided to take the boys out to the mountains to camp for one night. The weather was a bit cooler – no more Heat Wave – and so I wore a tank and these pants, which are the cropped version of the lululemon City Sleek trousers, which you may remember are pants that look like actual pants, with button and zipper, but feel like yoga pants.

They are comfortable for sitting and lounging, which is what I did all evening. When the cat’s away, the mouse will play, and in my case, that means eating Greek salad and hummus while watching an episode each of The Golden Girls and The Muppets. I stayed up late into the night (read: 9:00pm) reading a memoir by Valerie Bertenelli; do not tell me I do not know how to live it up.

Well, the people complaining about the heat must have been happy, as it was chilly and rainy all day, with a high of only 18 degrees, which is in the low 60s, for you Fahrenheit people. Time for simple jeans and a tee, and an afternoon of reading, laundry, and a viewing of Velocipastor with the boys. Oh, Velocipastor. Not since The Godfather have we seen such cinematic glory. And yet this film about a priest who transforms into a dinosaur was snubbed by the Academy.

I spent a lovely morning with my chosen sister, Janet (HI JANET)

We hadn’t seen each other for a while, so we talked and walked, to the tune of 9.5 km. After that I showered and got a little dressed up for my much-looked-forward-to pedicure. I hurried down the street, which is going through sidewalk refurbishment, so I had to keep zigzagging to avoid the cement trucks and rebar people. I burst into the salon just barely on time, only to find out that my appointment was YESTERDAY and I missed it. I had either miscommunicated or written my appointment down incorrectly. I was so upset with myself; I never make mistakes like that, and it was embarrassing, not to mention inconvenient and a loss of income for a small local business. I was able to rebook myself for today, and I’m hoping a very large tip will make up for my unexplained absence on Monday. The owner looked at me sadly and said “We waited for you, but you didn’t come!” and I felt like a bit of a monster. I wasn’t doing ANYTHING Monday afternoon, I could have been having a pedicure!
Anyway, this is the super-cute outfit I had dressed up for; it dates back to 2016 at the latest, but I think it’s probably earlier. It’s a skort, of course, and an actual bra under my tank top, that’s how dressed up I was.

My older son is my fashion photographer, and he made me retake this photo. “Mom, your face looks really grumpy. Can you smile like you’re not grumpy?”
My older son and I have been talking for years about biking the Banff Legacy Trail, and on Wednesday we did it! We biked from Canmore to Banff and back, and it was really a perfect morning. I knew we would be gaining elevation from on the first half, but it was gradual so I didn’t realize it until we turned around to go back; it felt like we were flying back to Canmore, and in fact we were 15 minutes faster going that direction.

This skirt, which I have had for seven or eight years, has padded shorts underneath, and let me tell you, padded shorts are a must. A MUST. I had a tank top underneath this very lightweight top, which was perfect for the temperature and to keep the sun off my shoulders. There’s very little shade on the path, particularly when we were finishing up near noon. All in all a perfect day.
Lots of summer fun this week and lots to come, I hope. I hope you are having a beautiful summer as well. Tell me: do you have a Summer Uniform? Do you like biking and hiking in the summer, or are you having an Actual Heat Wave, as opposed to a Calgary Heat Wave? Tell me everything. xo
I have a tool that we changed that has really changed our lives. Back story: I broke my right thumb at the beginning of COVID and didn’t receive proper treatment, so it works, but at 75%, not 100%. My husband has arthritis in his hands and there’s not enough guitar playing and hand stretches that will make his hands work at 100%. We had this manual can opener. And it worked. But it was hard work to use it. I could open a can, but it would take me actual minutes and I would have to take breaks. We have one recipe that calls for four cans and if I had to make it on my own, I had to start opening cans a half an hour before I started making dinner. I ordered a new can opener (for people with arthritis) and it has literally changed our lives. How did we live with such a useless can opener for our whole lives before this?
I didn’t know you had broken your thumb! Yay for life changing tools! I know that “how did we live with this” feeling well!
I love your summer outfits! Skirt and cami is definitely our signature look! I don’t have a cute super casual signature look yet, but you are convincing me to try skirts!
I have to laugh at your heat advisory. But I am sure people in the south laugh at ours. We get heat advisories when the temps are in the upper 90s, and especially when it’s humid and the heat index is in the 100s. I had a call w/ a sales person from Texas who lived in Minneapolis earlier in his career and he was poking fun at our response to upper 90s. But I was like – don’t even get me started on how you guys handle cold weather dude… I guess we all have our sensitivities to weather. And I imagine many in Calgary don’t have a/c? There are a lot of homes in Minneapolis that don’t have a/c, especially in the lower socioeconomic areas. When we looked for a house, a/c was a must since it gets quite hot here. But we bought in an area where many of the homes were built in the early 1900s and obv a/c was not a thing then!
I love to hike! We do not have hiking options close to us so pre-kids we planned vacations in places were we could hike. When our kids are older and heartier, I would love to go to the Banff area. It looks so beautiful and the hiking looks amazing! I feel so so about biking. I did a ton of it pre-kids, but haven’t been on my bike since getting pregnant. I tried mountain biking when I lived in North Carolina and did not care for it! But I do like biking on the trails in my city, I just never think to do it and we don’t have a bike trailer/my husband doesn’t have a bike so it’s not something I can do with the kids so it just never seems to happen!
We have AC, but you’re right, not many people do. I think 90s and 100s is pretty hot! Although, comparatively speaking (Texas, etc) maybe not.
You should come to the Banff area – when the kids are older!
Nicole, I loved reading this! Your summer outfits are all so cute — that little ruffly skort is ADORABLE. (Although I cringed for you about the missed pedicure! That is SUCH an awful feeling!) Your day at the lake sounds like perfection and it really seems like you and your boys are spending such wonderful, QUALITY time together.
Now I need to go look up Velocipastor.
Thanks Suzanne! Velocipastor is possibly the silliest movie ever made, but so fun to watch.
I love your summer outfits. I also love that your son is your fashion photographer. ❤️
Yes, I’ve tried to get my husband to take photos but he is much less enthusiastic about it!
Great outfits, Nicole; all very nice! I had to laugh at your son! OMG — he’s hilarious like his mom!
Yes, we call them skorts here, too — I was wondering if we were the only ones! LOL I wish I could find the ones I have in more colors because I’m digging your pink and yellow!
Your weekend away with your boys, spending time with your parents, sounds glorious!
Thanks M! I think he’s pretty fun 🙂
At 82 degrees F, I wouldn’t even wear shorts. At 89, I would, but we might not turn on the AC (we’re a little hard core about that).
I’m glad you had such a nice day with the boys.
It’s nice to have a resident photographer.
Right? I knew you would find it funny. The whole city melts at 82/ 28, anyone you meet is like “hot enough for you?”
I’d be happy to switch over to metric but in return I’d like to have the world switch to F instead of C. My reason is that when it gets hot it sounds sissy to talk about it being 30 degrees. Also when it’s cold 0 C is pretty mild but 0 F is freaking cold. I want more credit for all of the suffering that we do at the extremes.
It’s so satisfying when a piece of clothing looks great and lasts forever. Cute outfits!
Hahaha! This made me laugh.
I loved every single outfit and you are so stinkin’ cute. I’ve always wondered who your photographer was and now I know. How sweet that he does that for you and tells you when you are looking “grumpy.”
I won’t laugh at your “heat wave” if you won’t laugh at my complaints about our “frigid” winters; deal?
It’s a deal! I won’t laugh!
Yes, my son is VERY patient and will even take different angles/ poses that he thinks might work!
You are ADORABLE. That mint green skirt is too cute. Also love that your son takes these pictures. I understand the grumpy smile comment – I also tell my husband he “walks angry.” He also looks so serious when he walks across a parking lot. It is SO out of character and it’s just a seemingly neutral facial expression he adopts in that context…that always looks hateful to me. It’s always made me laugh because he was voted Most Likely To Appear on SNL in high school and is one of the funniest people I know. How can he look so angry when he walks?!
We have a “heat wave” in Eastern Canada too. It was 34 at our house today, but closer to 40 with the humidex. I really do love fall best of all – best of both worlds!
Haha! That’s funny – I should post the photo of me before my son retook the pictures, I do look like I’m grumpy but politely smiling. I can picture your husband’s angry walk perfectly!
VELOCIPASTOR! You stayed home alone and watched THE MUPPETS! The cute. I love all the skorts, but the baby blue is my fave. We’re in a heat wave, but we had the most perfect week of heat with no humidity at the beginning of July, and I have air conditioning, so I’m not complaining. I have a hose with an attachment that gets my pants and feet all wet right now, and I”m eyeing the watering wand.
Life. Changing. Watering wand. You need it! Also, Velocipastor was the most ridiculously funny movie I’ve seen. It’s worth the one hour five minute watch!
Snubbed by the academy indeed! Ha. I watched a dumb movie with Reg when we were in Georgia. A very high cheez whiz factor. I have to find out the name of it, but let’s just say it starred The Rock.
Your outfits are so cute. Sorry about the skipped appointment. Ugh.
We have similar uniforms, but I don’t own any tank tops with built in bras. I like to pair my MANY skorts with tank tops, the loose fitting variety that require a bra. I have a few shirts that are wrinkle free, sleeveless and they tend to dress up the skort a bit. I love my skorts by Kuhl and Royal Robin and Toad the most. Are yours all LuLu? I also love sundresses and I just bought another one yesterday that has a built in bra, which I love in a sundress. I am justifying the purchase because I have a few new ones that still have tags on them that I might take back, because I don’t love them as much as the one I just found. Plus my fav sundresses are looking a little tried.
Love that you had such an ideal summer day. It sounds wonderful. Mini and I dropped Curly and a friend off at an amusement park yesterday with a friend. It was an hour from home, but we visited with a fav sister in law and saw Mini’s cousin and Coach’s parents, plus we shopped and I showed her around the town I used to live in. It was a fun day and I hope we can do it again soon.
HI Ernie, all of them except the ruffly blue one are from Lulu, that one is from a little shop that is now closed that was in my parents’ small town. Glad you had such a fun day!
Such a versatile yet unfussy uniform for the summer, and you look cute in every one of them. The skort with the ruffle is my favorite. The trip to your parents’ sounds lovely and I’m inspired by all the outdoor fun! (Now off to look for Velocipastor LOL.)
Thanks so much Maya! Velocipastor is so ridiculous, it’s great, know what I mean?
Your outfits are all so cute, especially the ruffled skirt. I live in tanks & shorts or skorts but lately have two dresses – one is a golf dress, the other is McKinley (so for hiking??). We are having a real heat wave in Ontario- high 30’s and humid. Those dresses are so cool & comfortable and also travel really well. I was just wondering if you used a timer for your photos or someone in your family took the pics, so glad my question was answered!
I loved hearing about your “best day ever”. Those are such great memories!!
Thanks Pat! I don’t wear many dresses but I probably would if they had shorts attached!
Looking cute and not grumpy at all 🙂 I think I should move to Calgary as I hate the heat. Having parents with a lake house is totally amazing, and I’m glad you take advantage!
You SHOULD! It never gets truly hot here!
Drippy hose heads make me insane, but I too wait too long to replace them. Why? I have no idea.
I love your summer outfits and the fact that you can have pieces that last SO long! Bravo to you Nicole, you are inspiring.
Yay for summer weather and a perfect weekend with your parents. What a blessing! Still laughing at your heat wave!!
Lololol I knew you would think it was funny! Everyone’s dying of the heat and it doesn’t make it to 90.
I love your summer outfits! I’m mainly just jealous you can wear a tank top like that – the downsides to having a larger chest means I look a little inappropriate with some tank tops I wear, haha.
Your heat wave does make me giggle, but in the same way that a cold front in Florida must make YOU giggle. “Oh no, it’s going to be 60 degrees! TURN ON THE HEAT.” Tehehehe.
Ah, that is true! 60 is just a lovely spring/ fall day here! In fact we’d be lucky to get those temperatures!
Well, yes… your Heat Wave is like a day in February for us (we get VERY chilled if it gets down to the 50s at night in the winter!) But I’m glad you’re having so much summer fun. I love your summer outfits! You look super cute in everything, but summer clothes are my favorite. Oh, thanks for translating into Fahrenheit for us… you’d think it really wouldn’t be that hard to understand both, but even at the age of 56 my mind goes blank when someone talks about Celsius. Maybe someday I’ll learn it (?)
Isn’t it funny? We also have next to no humidity, so it’s really just dry and warm.
We just had a REAL heat wave (100+),. I’m moving.
There’s a house for sale on my street! It’s FATE!!!
I love your look. The tank/shirt look is totally my style too… although I can’t really do the shelf-bra tanks (sadly).
P.S. I have that same piano (at my parents’ house in Germany…. *sadface*).
Piano twinsies!