Archives for 2013

Update on the flood, and what you can do

I’m sure everyone is well aware now that Calgary has been in a state of emergency due to extensive flooding. Approximately 100,000 people – or one tenth of the city – were evacuated from their homes. Damage is incredible. I am learning that flood insurance is not something that is available in Canada, and so I […]

Reasons I’m Losing My Mind, or How Did Lee Garner Jr Make You Hold His Balls?

There have been, strangely enough, tornado warnings around here.  Tornadoes!  Where AM I?  In any case, yesterday the rain held off all day until the moment I had to leave to pick the kids up from school.  I stood in the playground, in a torrential downpour, while I waited for them.  The rain tapered off and the […]

Willie Wonka’s Factory of Near-Death Experiences

I’ve been having a lovely day, despite of an inauspicious moment this morning when I was getting dressed and wondered what happened to my sweater.  I wondered if I had somehow shrunk it, which seemed unlikely since I never put sweaters in the dryer.  The usually long, drapey sweater was fitting bizarrely like a crop […]

Denim skirts, non-Mama-Duggar-style

If you can’t beat them, join them, is the somewhat defeatist attitude I took up this weekend when I went shopping to Lammles’ Western Wear.  I am a Calgary girl, I’ve lived here my whole life, and yet I just can’t get behind the concept of western wear.  This is an attitude I felt needed […]

Putting on my married lady pants

Yesterday I had one of those days where I had amazing feats of accomplishments, one after another, except that the accomplishments themselves were so boring that they practically brought tears to my eyes.  I wanted to share my amazing level of accomplishments with my husband, and so I started to list off all the things […]

Life Lessons from the Eighties

Two things happened in the last couple of days that have got me thinking about aging and hairstyles and beauty in general.  First, I was at a reunion on Saturday night with people I went to school with for grades 1-10, and the most popular comment of the night was You haven’t changed a bit!  This […]

Field Trip Extravaganza

Just to set the stage, here, it is 3:24 pm and I’m considering opening my SECOND beer.  Listen, I’m just impressed I made it until Friday to start drinking.  It’s been a very involved week, parenting wise, and by that I mean that I was chaperone to an all-day field trip to the museum on […]