“I don’t get it,” Mark said from the back of the minivan, the minivan that was rocking with hip tunes from the seventies. “Why does that guy want to be a Fireside Girl?” “Maybe he wants to sell those cupcakes or get badges.” Jake suggested.
For reference, this was the song that was on the radio. I know, I should really listen to more current music, and I DO, I really do. But sometimes I need a break from accidentally belting out the uncensored lyrics to “Thrift Shop” in front of my kids. “Mom, that word is really bad. It’s even worse than FRICKING. It means the same thing as this,” the kids will say in their best reprimanding manner, raising their middle fingers so I can see for myself just how inappropriate it is.
In other words, I’ll keep my old-people radio station that advertises for Grey Power Insurance. Related: it’s almost my birthday! Time to break out the tiara, drink lots of wine, and eat cake! So, pretty much like every weekend. Last birthday I celebrated turning-older-than-Mrs-Robinson; this year is kind of anti-climactic since I don’t know what cougarish fictional character I’m going to be older than. I have a good ten years before I will be older than Dallas from Suburgatory.
Although I do have one of these foam fingers, only it’s green:
I love you and your foam finger. Can you believe I’ve never heard the word foamosexual before? Eve has an eighties birthday party this week-end and I thought it was going to be impossible to find tacky neon clothes – and whaddya know, the first store I walked into was full of them.
Nan was the inventor of the brilliant witticism that is foamosexual. I think about it at least once a day and giggle. What is UP with all the neon?
“My foam finger is highly underutilized in the bedroom department, however. ” made me laugh.
I would like to think that if Barkley was gay he would have the good taste to not get amourous with a Shih tzu named Freddie. Have standards, Barkley!
I know, it saddens me too. But what is one to do? Love is a force.
I have a giant foam finger! I’ve never used it in the bedroom. I had no idea that was the purpose to them once you brought them home from the sporting event. *takes notes*
“you’re number one! You’re number one!” I’m sure M will be totally down with that.
These theme days make me feel pressure. Crazy hair day? What do you do with that when you boy has a buzz cut?