In case you were wondering where I’ve been, I just got home from two weeks in the paradise that is Maui. O-o-almost paradise! We’re looking on heaven’s door. Almost paradise! How could we ask for more?
I’ve been to paradise but I’ve never been to meeeeee.
I may be a little delirious since I flew on the red-eye last night and I’m functioning on minimal sleep, people. I’m also slightly delirious from swinging from a tropical climate to one in which my hands are already cracking, and from a lifestyle where I spent the majority of my day lounging in the sun, reading, swimming, and eating a lot to one where I discovered that I had forgotten to empty the milk before I left and came home to a festering, yet strangely empty refrigerator. For two weeks I barely registered the day of the week and now I’m trying to come to terms with the upcoming book fair and soccer scheduling commitments. What a buzzkill. I’m wearing a bra for the first time in almost 16 days, for crying out loud, and I feel oddly bitter and constricted.
I feel as though I need to immediately clarify that last statement, lest you wonder who is this braless hippie who has taken over the Boyhouse? Not to worry. I was braless only because my upper body wardrobe was exclusively made up of bikinis and Lulu tanks, and not – absolutely not – because I decided to wander around letting it all hang out in a depressing, droopy, partially deflated water balloon kind of way. No one needs to see that.
That settled, I love Maui. My husband and I honeymooned – nearly ten years ago now – on the big island of Hawaii, and other than the awesome newlywedded bliss, the experience left me feeling kind of meh about Hawaiian islands. Mostly I felt uninterested except from a highly amused fashion perspective:
The Tom Selleck photo is for me, too. Let’s be clear.
I can totally relate to the tan comments. 14 days on a Panama Canal cruise and when I got back a coworker asked when I was going. Umm I just got back….
Sounds amazing, I went when I was 12 with my family and haven’t been back but now I think it’s time I go and check it out again! Great post! (but could you really give up black boots?)
i am SO jealous.
but also SO happy for you.
I mustache you a question…
How glorious was it there?
We went to Kauai…and Waikiki for a week.
So so so so relaxing
How fun!!! I’m glad you had a great time and got a suntan. Now, hopefully the tan sticks around for a bit.
We are going to Maui for a week in early June and I cannot wait! Here in the Pacific NW our weather is still total crap at that point so sun will be direly needed. After 7 days in Maui I will, however, return nearly as pale as when I left because I don’t tan. My choices are burn until skin cancer is virtually guaranteed or apply sunscreen every ten seconds and remain pale. After doing the former for far too many of my teen years, I now opt for the latter.