Archives for 2009

Warning! This post contains an obscene amount of name-dropping.

I saw Jim Cuddy on The Hour a couple of nights ago. Jim Cuddy. Sigh. Beck wrote a funny post about the potential husband material of certain Canadian TV stars and while I was hard-pressed to come up with any of those – Mark Critch? Nah. George Stroumboulopoulus? Nah. – I sure do have opinions […]


When I got home early this morning, Mark met me at the door to inform me that he was “a little bit sick”. He certainly didn’t look sick, his colour was good, he ate a good breakfast, but my husband did mention that both boys woke up coughing. I thought about a reader comment about […]


November is a dark month. Even when the sun is shining, it is so low in the sky that it is still dark and grey. Every room in my north-facing house is dark, even when the lights are on. This month has been flying by. I can’t believe it is already the 23rd. We are […]

I just received some tragic news about a neighbourhood family. Please send thoughts and prayers their way. I am going to hug my kids and vow to be grateful for everything I have.

TGI Friday!

I actually really hate the term TGI Friday. I hate it almost as much as LOL or LMAO. Nonetheless, TGI Friday! This has been a long week – not in a bad way, just in a long way. The boys’ school had a Scholastic Book Fair this week which I was helping with, which was […]

Is it really only Tuesday?

I’ve been in an absolute flurry of activity the past couple of days, the details of which are much to boring to divulge, but believe me: flurry of activity. I will share with you two major accomplishments from the past couple of days: a) I finished my Christmas shopping, and b) I was in and […]

I have an article up over at Yummy Mummy. Go check it out and read all about my penchant for non-exciting travel. I also allude to a really gross intestinal bug I once contracted. If that doesn’t get you reading, I don’t know what will! See you there!