Archives for 2009

Signs Spring has Sprung at Nicole’s House

1) Green sprouts of perennial flowers emerging through the leaf mulch, surely to suffer frost damage and be snowed on, yet still poking their tenacious selves up. Oh hardy perennials, how I love you.2) Two pairs of rubber boots outside the back door, caked heavily in mud.3) The existence of mud, dirt, and leaf mulch […]

Puddle Jumping

I was speaking with a childless woman in her forties. “Oh, you’re so lucky,” she said, “I would love to stay at home and play all day.” That kind of comment just automatically clenches my teeth. My initial, knee-jerk reaction is to list all the tedious chores involved in my day-to-day life: myriad hours spent […]

Dangerous Dogs

I have been a wreck all day. My puppy – a 10 month old Labradoodle, possibly the cutest dog ever and certainly one of the gentlest – was attacked by a pit bull this morning. Let me reassure you that he is okay, albeit with a large puncture wound on his snout. This is what […]

Date Night

I’m going on a date tonight! I’m very excited; we do not go out for dinner very often and we never go out with the children. This is a fun fact that surprises some people – “you don’t take the kids to restaurants?”. Um, no. The thought of paying for meals that would most likely […]

The Out-Laws

A former boss of mine with a HILARIOUS sense of humour used to refer to my (and everyone else’s) in-laws as “the out-laws”. He also used to use the oft-used-at-that-time-in-business-circles phrase “open the kimono” which just gave me a mental image of him that makes me shudder just writing that. I actually had to stop […]

A game I should be disturbed by…

“I need a spoon!” Jake said brightly this morning, retrieving a old plastic baby one from the drawer. “What do you need a spoon for, honey?” I asked. “It’s my dolly!” he replied. I smiled and continued on with the dishes. A few minutes later, I looked up to see him, a toy monster truck […]

March 23

I remember my pregnancy with Mark so well. I walked around in a constant state of ecstasy mixed with anxiety – I was so happy to be pregnant, but also so worried that something was going to go wrong or that I would do something wrong. That feeling was not helped out by the many […]