2015 Boyhouse Year in Review
December 31, 2015 Uncategorized

It’s almost time to say goodbye to 2015! It was a good year at the Boyhouse, and although I lead a pretty ordinary life, it seems like there’s always something popping, as the kids say. Here are the highlights of 2015:


We never quite see ourselves as others see us, and I am no exception, I discovered that my vagina was not a cavernous wasteland of womanhood (sorry, menfolk), and I raged a bit about Spirit Days and people who leave their shopping carts willy-nilly in parking lots.



Someone stabbed their roommate for constantly listening to the Eagles and instead of being empathetic about it, I couldn’t stop laughing, I skipped right over middle age to become that crazy old lady with tons of plants, and I ran my fourteenth book fair.



I got confrontational about parking issues, I got all exhausted by Daylight Savings Time as per usual, and I realized that I have never once calculated gas mileage. Also, Mark turned 11!



In an unexpected turn of events, I took the car in for an oil change and my husband became famous in my circle for flipping out on the dealership, I turned 40 and my dream of being serenaded by a guy in a Top Gun outfit finally came true, and I decided to Never Surrender.



I realized that I was pretty much on point with certain trends since I basically wear the same thing every day, I met a guy whose job is a Beducator, and I frightened my family by having a semi-breakdown over an empty shampoo bottle.



I rode a bike for the first time since 2003, I wrote a whole post on how to dress for the Calgary Stampede when you don’t have a big belt buckle or cowboy boots, there were alarming happenings in my neighbourhood, and I went to Las Vegas!



Jake is the Hippo Whisperer, my kids think I’m most like C-3PO, and I discovered perms are making a comeback.

Leia copy


I actually under-packed for the first time in my life and I regretted it deeply, Judy Blume tweeted me and made my life complete, and I prepared for back-to-school.



When a door closes a window opens, and since I’m not chairing the SC/PA anymore, I started signing up to volunteer for field trips, I planted a whole lot of bulbs, and we went to Vancouver Island. Also, Jake turned 10!



My favourite thermal spray was discontinued and I spiralled into hoarding paranoia about it, I travelled and worked and planned a party and became exhausted, and I completely lost my shit on a telemarketer.



I dressed up for Halloween and people just did not know what to say, I turned into Cynical, Hard-Bitten Old Mom, as opposed to Enthusiastic, Energetic Young Mom, and my kids hilariously participated in Crazy Hair Day at school.



The boys got their green belts in karate, we went to Orlando, and I found an answer to Elf on the Shelf.


Thank you, dear readers. Here’s to 2016! May it be wonderful in your house. xoxo

"2" Comments
  1. PLEASE don’t ever stop writing Nicole, simply adore your refreshing honesty and realistic and simplistic outlook on life.
    The very best in health, hope and happiness to YOU and yours in 2016 !!

  2. Orange hair. Cavernous vaginas. Ujjjjjjjayi breathing (I’m not looking that up because it sounds dirty and I refuse to find out that it’s not). Going medieval on parking assholes. You are an eternal delight. My house is awesome except YOU’RE NOT IN IT.

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