Typically, I go through what the Edies would call four Costume Changes a day, which might seem excessive, but I don’t see any way around this. But this week, on Wednesday, I had FIVE Costume Changes, which felt like a perfect topic for today. However, my main motivation for this post was something that I will probably talk about at more length later, and that is that as much as I love clothes, as much as I love Costume Changes, I and my perimenopausal body have been experiencing a bit of a wardrobe crisis of late. As you know, I am a firm proponent of feeling good in my clothes at all times: if I don’t feel beautiful, or at least really cute, then the clothes are wrong. This has been a bit harder to swallow lately, so I decided to record my Wednesday Costume Changes to rediscover my love of clothes.
Listen, I’m a sweaty gal. When I work out I am dripping, and my clothes could actually be wrung out, which leads us to…
Anyone who knows me will be alarmed to see that single banana on the countertop behind me. I know! That’s why I was heading to Superstore! Not to worry, this is what it looks like now:
Speaking of perimenopause, my feet don’t get cold anymore like they used to, but I like to apply foot cream at night, and wearing socks helps to absorb it. Also, I don’t like leaving lotion footprints, nor slipping on the floor, so the socks stay on until I’m actually in bed.
I hope you all have a fabulous, fashionable weekend! xo
Nicole, your costumes are such goals – in your pictures, you always look so stylish and put together! I’ve been trying to balance rethinking my wardrobe from a uniform / personal style perspective (Lazy Genius inspired) with my own perimenopause challenges of not loving how what I loved in the past looks on this version of me. It’s a journey… sigh haha! PS: I bet that Golden Girls show was hilarious!
Well, first of all- you look SO CUTE. You look great in all your outfits. I do know that menopausal (for me) challenge.) People will tell me how “thin” I am, and I’m thinking “luckily you can’t see me without clothes on.” This whole “stomach” thing is annoying.
I love, love, love, love your holiday pajamas and socks! SO cute and festive!!!
Your going-out dress is fab. I always love that lotus (?) necklace on you!
And I think that’s why you’re so fit, because you really workout! I never work up that much of a sweat with my leisurely walks and yoga and consequently don’t have the strength or tone.
So excited about the growing novel! XOXO
Cute, cute. I know that you like your costumes by the smiles on your face. Happy Weekend!
I love this. I like all of your outfits; as always you are tres chic. Cool Mom indeed! As you know, I have very few outfits; I am like the exact opposite of you at the moment, and wear one outfit for five days! 🙂 Actually, I do have an outfit I wear for runs, and one for indoors and/or regular errands, but I don’t really have an everyday outfit. I am still carrying everything and until I get home, it’s yoga pants for now. I am looking forward to wearing jeans like a real human! My only saving grace is that I do NOT sweat that much, but I still change out of my running clothes when I am not running. Also I now have a washer which is a huge plus.
I was worried about your banana stash and am so glad that you stocked up again! How was the drag show? I remember friends going to Asia SF in San Francisco which is a restaurant with a drag show, and them not realizing what it was until they had sat down. There were some funny stories about that afterward! (PS some of the men are very good looking ladies and sometimes it was hard to tell that they were in drag!)
So, this is a question I wonder about people who keep matching sets together. How do you organize that? If someone gave me so much as a matching top/bottom pajama set, I would go into spasms of worry about how to store them so that they are always together. Do you have a giant closet? A dresser with an entire drawer dedicated to matching sets? How does this work? How do you keep track of a PAIR OF SOCKS just to go with the pajamas? So many questions. I just want to know how some people are organized and I wander about life in a daze.
You are just the cutest! I hear ya on the menopause body and its effect on your wardrobe. We call it a fashion crisis at our house, and they are a regular occurrence.
Fabulous, but man, that’s a lot of laundry 🤣. I generally wear only two outfits: pajamas after my night time shower and my daytime outfit which is yoga type pants and shirt (workout shorts in summer). If I have a hubby date or GNO (girls night out) I’ll wear jeans and dressy top. I generally only wear my black Skechers.
I workout twice a day and never sweat, unless I’m outside in hot, humid temps. I’m either just lucky or not working hard enough 🤔
I love all of your outfits and the fact that you wore 3 different pairs of black boots in a single day. I am tempted to buy some Tims for myself. Good to know that the Gen Zs approve! I have Sorels right now but they are getting old and I’m due for a new pair.
I’m definitely in the “struggling to dress this changing body” stage of life, hence the order of 3 new dresses (well, 5 total, I’ll send 2 back).
Sigh – I love all your “costumes”. Seeing as I don’t have anywhere to go or anyone to see lately, my “costumes” have consisted of jeans and tees/sweaters. I need to up my game for my mental health alone.
1. You have achieved your goal- you look cute in every single pic
2. whoa you must do a lot of laundry!
3. I am shamed about your pj style. I have had one or 2 matching pyjama sets in my entire adult life (and I’m old so that’s a long time). I wear workout clothes in the morning but I barely sweat so often wear them for chores, or shower and put on jeans and a t-shirt. I hate sleeping with anything on so have a couple of random boxers/tanks that I put on for the evening BUT I do love my big cozy robe.
You are the Cool Mom!
I have four changes into three costumes on any given day:
1. workout clothes
2. PJs (leggings and a long sleeved top)
3. Work clothes – shirt and jeans. I either change right before my first on camera meeting of the day or before walking the dog at lunch, whichever comes first.
4. Back into my jammies after the last dog walk of the day.
The bananas made me laugh. We have friends (who eat a VERY “whole foods” diet), and their counter is always covered – COVERED – in bananas.
I love how we got to journey through a day with you via fashion.
The boots look fab. As you know, I’ve already been to Mark’s today and am hoping to find a great pair of boots before the first snow falls.
Omg, the perimenopause belly/body. Ahh! I am with you and recently did a closet clean whereby most of my dresses were culled. And several pants. Sigh. I love all your looks, my most favorite are those jammies. I’m going to use the matching/folding tip!
I have to know what a “bum warmer” is. I live in northern CA and it is just not that cold here, though I did go to grad school in Michigan! But still, should I have had a bum warmer then???
You are so beautiful, Nicole! You look amazing in every “costume”. My style these days is “big potato sack”. I can’t stand anything binding! But I do try to keep my potato sacks in good condition! I know first-hand that it’s emotional to get rid of certain clothes, but it’s also quite empowering to dress in a way that’s comfortable. It’s self-care for sure!
OK, if YOU, who work out hard and look AMAZING are still not happy with how your body looks in your clothes, I actually feel better about how crummy I feel about me in my clothes. I’m almost 59, and the menopause tummy SUCKS. So frustrating.
I love your costume changes. I have 3 outfits most days, because I don’t work out hard enough to get sweaty. So I have my yoga/walk outfit, my day clothes outfit, and my jammies. I’m adding some strength training in, getting to be more consistent with that as of yesterday. So far, still doesn’t warrant a change of clothes before I go for my walk.
When I was in 5th grade, my mom’s boss took us to see LES BALLETS TROCKADERO DE MONTE CARLO (sorry for the all caps, I just copied it from their website so I wouldn’t have to spell it out) perform Swan Lake. I needed glasses and had no idea that it was all men on stage, and could not for the life of me figure out why everyone was laughing so hard.
I would love a whole post on the whole “fashion crisis” thing… I think pretty much everyone can/will relate in one way or another!! Clothes are so annoying!! And I feel like all the constantly changing styles and demise of good in person shopping options only exacerbates the issues.
I also wear socks to bed, but only to keep the lotion off the floor or avoid slipping! My feet don’t get cold at night anymore either (thanks, menopause), so I usually kick them off right before falling asleep.
Even with all your outfit changes, you seem to have what I’d call a capsule wardrobe—classic, matchable colors and basics that make putting outfits together effortless. I have a similar wardrobe—timeless pieces that never go out of style. It makes life easier!
You look so cute in all of your outfits – even when you’re dripping sweat! I love your style so much and I always knew you were a Cool Mom. Now you have legit proof!
A part of me is sighing in envy at your cute winter wear. Thankfully, Florida is cooling down a BIT (and I’ve even had my AC turned off for DAYS!) and I just need it to STAY COOL.
Hmm, a drag show Golden Girls. Sounds fun! But kinda weird that nobody there expected it to be a drag show!
As I told you many times, you and I could be style-sisters because I would wear everything you’re wearing 🙂 I definitely can see how these costume changes are necessary.
The perimenopause body sucks. Hate the tummy. I’ve onyl got one pair of everyday shorts that fit me at the moment, but luckily I can still squeeze into my running shorts which will hopefully get me through summer, or at least until I shift some of the weight that I put on with the crazy hormone fluctuations and my stress fracture.
With your lifestyle you need the costume changes. I usualy have three sets of clothes – workout gear, everyday and PJ’s, but I rewear the PJs. When I run before going to Personal Training I often have to change between because I get so sweaty. Conceivably, if I did that and had to go out I’d wear five outfits too.
I thought I was the only one having multi outfits per day: Pj, running outfit, gym outfit, work outfit, lounge at home after work outfit.
I am looking forward not to have cold feet!