Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Wake Me Up When September…Wait, September Is Ending Edition
September 28, 2023 Beauty and body

What a month September has been; oddly enough, it simultaneously feels like it flew by, and that it was three months long. We packed so much in, and now my already tenuous sense of time is completely warped. Everything already feels like it happened so long ago. Was it only three and a half weeks ago that my older son moved out? Were my parents really here only last Monday? Was my husband’s retirement party only one week ago today? Was my younger son’s 18th birthday less than two weeks ago? Did I get Rex groomed two and a half weeks ago and his clean fur lasted only two hours? Yes to all of those things.

I have been in Kelowna for two and a half months now, and I have to tell you, I really love it here. I am a person who really loves being outside and who enjoys the beauty of nature, and Kelowna is really gorgeous, with pretty much perfect weather. Even when it rains, it’s beautiful. I mean, look at this double rainbow I spotted from my window this week!

My husband, who grew up here, always said that September was his favourite month. For me, growing up in Calgary, September was a bit of a gamble; the leaves could be still beautifully coloured, on the trees, or they could be blown off in a massive windstorm, resulting in naked trees until the following May. The days could be sunny and warm, or they could be cold, windy, and possibly snowing. There was no telling what the week could bring; too long, didn’t read, wear layers, make sure the winter coats are at the ready. But here, September means cool, crisp mornings with sunny, warm afternoons. We’ve had some rainy days, but the temperature is still so mild that an unlined rain jacket is all that is needed. Some of the trees are changing but many are still green. It’s just full of beauty, and I am really happy here.

You never know, right? You never know what a new place is going to be like until you’re in it, and certainly there have been some adjustments to be made – I spent a lot of time on my yoga mat, meditating in a what lens am I viewing this through, we can control our own responses but not other people kind of way – but I’m happy with our move, and I wanted to share some of my favourite things about this month.

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Wake Me Up When…Wait, September Is Ending Edition

To Market, To Market

Kelowna is a hotbed of fruit and vegetable production, and this time of year is just rife with so much fresh produce. There are what are called Farm Markets on every corner, it seems, which sell all manner of local goods. I have discovered my favourite one and I visit there weekly to get the freshest local fruit you can imagine.

McIntosh apples have been in abundance this month, my favourite apple. Tree ripened fruit, sign me up! Also, my favourite Farm Market is selling kale at $5 for two bunches, and those bunches are absolutely enormous. Like, Fill Up All Available Lidded Bowls enormous.

It’s Gourd Season, motherfuckers! Decorative and otherwise.

Pumpkins for DAYS, people, and all locally grown. Listen, for a Calgary girl who has never successfully grown a gourd, this is pretty incredible.

My older son was over for dinner, and upon seeing my bowl he said “It’s Decorative Gourd Season already?” Usually I wait until October, but these little cuties were too good to pass up, and only $0.75 each!

Looking Out My Back Door

One of the most incredible things about living on a vineyard is actually living on a vineyard. Most of the grapes are used by the winery above us, but there are a few rows of Concords and Sheridans, and I do not think I will ever get tired of stepping out the back door to snip myself a snack.

There is a short window of Concord Grape Eating, Before They Get Too Soft, and I am doing my best to keep up.

I Didn’t Want To Love You

One strange, possibly surprising little quirk about me is that when it comes to beauty products, I absolutely hate free samples. I think they are wasteful and environmentally unfriendly, in their tiny little packages, as well as useless. How can one tell if a product is going to work for them from one use? In my mind, most products need to be used consistently to see results, one dab of cream or hair mask is just not going to cut it. I am a product monogamist and I’m not interested in trying things willy-nilly. Why would I engage in a one-night stand when I’m happily married? Does the one-night stand understand how important Top Gun is to me and will possibly don a flight suit? No? Then I am NOT INTERESTED.

So when I got a notification from the Nutrafol people that I was receiving a sample of shampoo and conditioner in my spring shipment, I was annoyed, and resigned myself to either donating or angrily throwing out the sample. What I didn’t realize until the shipment arrived was that they sent me full-size bottles to try. Well! That’s different.

Here’s the thing: Nutrafol alone is already expensive, although I can tell you right now it really does work for hair loss. This is not sponsored, obviously, nothing is for sale on this blog although, if Nutrafol DID sponsor me, I would totally take it, we all have our price, but what I’m saying is that it works. I have been taking it for ten months now and my hair is significantly thicker.

But it’s expensive, especially for Canadians who are not only swimming against the exchange rate, but also have to pay international shipping. The last thing I wanted to do was add ridiculously pricey shampoo and conditioner to my already burgeoning hair budget. Listen, Nutrafol is not dumb. They are a 1970s cocaine dealer, giving me a couple of bumps before I take my platform shoes and sparkly jumpsuit to the dance floor, only to have me coming back to them, wrecked and desperate, with mascara smudges and missing a shoe, weeks later. The first one is free, and then all goes to hell.

What I’m saying is that this shampoo and conditioner is really, really good. In combing out my wet hair, perhaps one or two strands are left in my comb. The scent is gloriously citrusy, and my hair is bouncy and healthy-looking. I am still using my free bottles, and I haven’t decided if I will purchase more when they are gone; I keep hoping that they’ll send me more for free. I will keep you posted, and in the meantime, I’ll toss my hair around while grooving to Get Down Tonight.

The Eyes Have It

Speaking of product monogamy, long-time readers will know that I have exclusively used Maybelline’s The Falsies Lash Lift mascara for years, and before that, The Falsies. If it isn’t broke, let’s not fix it. It works great, it washes off easily, and although I don’t think anyone would mistake my eyelashes for actual falsies, I am happy with them.

Since I love this line so much, I was tempted when I saw that The Falsies has a new product, called The Surreal. I decided to give it a try.

I don’t think the end result is very different from the Lash Lift – and both are superior to The Falsies, in my mind – but the Surreal seems much less prone to smudging. It seems to last a lot longer without giving raccoon eyes, which is an important consideration, particularly for those of us who just naturally seem to have raccoon eyes and bags underneath that should be really checked in at the airport, rather than carried on.

The downside to less smudging is that it is a little bit more involved to remove – it requires a bit of extra effort, but nothing that I would consider a hurdle for purchase.

Outfit of the Month

As I mentioned in my last post, last Thursday was my husband’s retirement party, and I figured I would just wear one of my many little black dresses. When this was communicated to my husband, well, I won’t say he begged me to buy something new, that would be an exaggeration, but he strongly encouraged me to buy something new. I think his exact words were “For god’s sake, Nicole, stop being so fucking cheap! You can’t wear the same dress to every event for a decade!” WELL I NEVER. For one thing, I have NOT worn the same dress to every event for a decade, but I have reworn several of my dresses several times, and while I think that is great, and that I am not being fucking cheap but merely being in keeping with my own personal mindful consumption goals that were renewed after reading Unraveling, I do see his point. The dress I was planning to wear I purchased in 2014.

So I took a reconnaissance trip to the one mall in Kelowna, and found the perfect dress at the first store I went to, which is how I like to shop. Get in, get out.

Isn’t it cute? It’s a little lower-cut than I generally prefer, but it felt simultaneously sexy and classy. The heels I have had since probably 2014, and wow, am I unused to wearing heels. Our Uber driver let us off a block and a half from our destination to avoid us sitting in traffic for 20 minutes, and normally I would welcome the extra steps. NOT SO IN THESE SHOES. My feet felt like they were going to snap off at the ankles and I would have to tap tap tap my way into the event on my sheared-off ankle bones. Still, they went nicely with the dress.

That wrap dress wraps up all my favourite things from this busy, busy month! What are you loving in September? Tell me everything. xo

"49" Comments
  1. Well, this post was a pick-me-up on a dreary Thursday morning! First of all, I’m glad you’re loving your new home! Although- what in the world is there not to love. It sounds incredible- perfect weather, locally grown pumpkins and picking grapes in your backyard??? I’ll be interested to find out if you get lured into buying the shampoo when your sample runs out- your hair does look really good! And I love that dress! I’m glad you didn’t have to tap tap tap your way into the event on your ankle bones, ha ha. I also haven’t worn heels in a very long time. I’m not sure if my feet could actually do it at this point.
    When you said it was only three and a half weeks since your son moved out I did think it seemed waaay longer ago than that. You’re right, September has been a weird month.

  2. I love that your September in Kelowna is far better than those in Calgary. Our September weather has been terrible. It is usually beautiful, but it’s been rainy and humid almost every day.

    Before I forget, I want to thank you for using the word “motherfucker” in your blog post.

    Grapes in your backyard?? That is magical.

    That dress is so cute! LOVE. 🖤

  3. Yes, what a relief that you adore your new home and location! It does sound pretty perfect. Maybe I’ll move up and join you nearby. 😉

    You look very cute in your new dress! I think that’s something I struggle with too. We are told to invest in quality clothing that will last for “years”, but at the same time…. we really can’t wear the same things to every wedding/party/etc for years on end, either! Or at least I don’t want to. I sometimes pull up photos to be like, hmm, what did I wear to so-and-so’s thing? lol. I have a collection of several dresses that I like a lot but are also starting to get to the point where I feel I’ve worn them to quite a few events now at this point… it’s a conundrum for sure. So funny what your husband said! hahaha!! love it.

      And yes! I am with you. I like to invest in good clothes that are classic and last a long time…but then I end up wearing them over and over. Which is the point? But also? Sometimes it’s nice to have something new. This felt like a big enough event to splurge.

  4. I hate free samples BECAUSE I always love them and then have to buy the product. Ugh. You absolutely should buy the shampoo and conditioner—your hair looks fab!

  5. Your hair looks fabulous (though it always does). I need new mascara and was about to buy more Lash Lift…but maybe I’ll try Surreal?

    That dress is divine. You always look like you walked out of a magazine. It’s classy but has lovely detailing and is so versatile! I have a pair of black wedges just like yours. I love wearing heels, but rarely do so I also feel less confident than I used to when wearing them. There really is an “art” to wearing them and it takes some getting used to again.

    I’m so happy for you settling in so nicely to Kelowna. I am ALL about mild weather; I was rather horrified by your weather in Calgary and don’t think I’d last a month. Nova Scotia has relatively mild winters and even those are enough to make me want to escape to a tropical island from January – April (#LifeGoals).

    • You’re so kind, thank you Elisabeth! Calgary’s climate is, in a world, dreadful. There CAN be nice days, for sure. But it’s so often really windy, or cold, and it’s so volatile that you cannot plan for anything.

  6. The photos of the fresh produce are wonderful and suggest a lovely time of year. I like you in your dress, it is flattering and practical at the same time. September has flown by here, I love October so I’m really leaning into enjoying it for all it’s worth.

  7. Michelle Goggins - MG Doodle Studio

    Nicole, you crack me up! But I have to say that I’m envious of all the gourds, pumpkins, grapes, etc. We’ve been having a beautiful September and I’ve enjoyed it so much! It has lived up to all my expectations as my favorite month of the year! I’m really sorry that it’s nearly over, but I generally love October too!

  8. I FEEL YOU ON THE TIME THING. We moved in a month ago — a whole month! But it feels like we’ve only been here five seconds, and yet also, it was So Long Ago that we lived in the old house. Crazy how time accordions on a person like that.

    Your hair is gorgeous and that dress is perfection. And your ability to focus on the positive is really uplifting and inspiring. I am going to try to carry that energy with me as long as I can.

    • Yes, I keep thinking that my Nexus card should be renewed already because I started the process when we moved…then I remember that was only in July, and it’s like a 12 month process. TIME IS A STRANGE CONCEPT.

  9. When I read a whole many-topic post and comment on only one topic, I feel as if I am blowing off the other topics. I have had to talk myself around: do I feel that way if I write a many-topic post and someone comments on only one topic? I certainly do not.

    Anyway, what I would like to comment on, or more specifically PRAISE, is your curated bowl of small gourds. What a perfect and varied assortment. And I am ENVIOUS, because our grocery store has a dismal selection right now: all too big to be small and cute, and too many that look the same, and, most importantly, NO STEMS. NO STEMS, NICOLE. I feel, looking at your assortment, that you will know how important this is.

    • I don’t feel like any topic is being blown off AT ALL!
      I am SO glad you noticed the stems. I have never had decorative gourds with such stems before and I was 100% taken with them. THANK YOU FOR NOTICING!!!

  10. I’m with Sarah here – I hate free samples because then I have to buy the products. This is how I got into the world of some crazy expensive hair products. I’m am a haircare addict.

    I have worn the same three dresses to all of our fancy events for the last gazillion years. They are timeless looks and I refuse to fall into the fast fashion trap that we need something new for every event. Solidarity in frugality!

    • I absolutely agree – we don’t need something new for every event! But…it WAS my husband’s retirement and every single dress has been worn several times, so…it was kind of fun to get a new dress. From the ONE mall I have at my disposal!

  11. I feel like every time I get a tiny sample it ends up being for a product that I don’t like so it ends up in the trash. Sad but true.

    We went grape and apple picking last weekend. It was one of the rare times when we’ve ever gotten concord grapes not in jelly form;-) The boys were amused.

    I can’t decide which side to be on for the dress argument – yes what your husband said but also yes to if something works keep on wearing it. It’s one thing if you only had one dress and say it was green polka dots, that might stick out, but a basic wardrobe of neutrals is always perfect and timeless. We have a fancy wedding to go to next month and there’s a divide in the family between folks who are really dressing up and those of us who were just planning to grab any old thing out of the closet (that would be me and one of my SILs). The more I think about it – I am going to go out and get myself something nice.

    • Yes, and all my dresses, every one of them, is black so…but it WAS his retirement party, and I have worn every dress in my closet many times, and so I capitulated. And honestly, I think it’s really pretty and will get a lot of wear out of it. Maybe someone I know will get married! Do you need a plus one?
      I used to give away my samples to friends or to the Buy Nothing page, but I’m not sure if any of my new friends here will be interested in my samples. I think I need to get to know them better before I give away, say, wrinkle cream. Because that seems like not everyone would take that in the spirit in which is intended.

  12. OMG – first August and now September – WHERE is the time going??!! I’m afraid if I blink November will be here tomorrow.

    That dress is perfection! And yes, you have other dresses but you are in a new location now and they will still come in handy, I’m sure. But a new dress is always nice. I recently wore heels for the first time in over three years. My feet were fine during, luckily. But my legs for the next three days? Agony.

  13. It is great that you are so happy there. The weather, the produce, the views all seem wonderful. And look – no snow yet! I laughed so hard at what your husband said about Re-wearing one of your little black dresses. I think I read it 3 times. And you look super cute in the new outfit.

  14. I’ve never heard of anyone hating free samples! Lol, I’ll take a freebie I can use any day of the week, but yes, sometimes the packaging renders them rather absurd.

    I’ve held off on buying decorative gourds because they often get moldy before Thanksgiving if I buy too early. I’ve promised Middle Child that I’ll take her apple picking very soon. Her favorite is Golden Delicious. I like them all,

  15. I feel the exact same way about September – it’s been so long, so much has happened, I’m still surprised it’s October next week.
    Lol at Rob making you buy…another little black dress.
    So happy for you in your happy new home place.

  16. Glad you’re happy in your new environs. Grapes out the back door sounds amazing. Also, what a rainbow!

  17. So lovely to hear Kelowna has been so good to you, Nicole… I suspect some of that is your own sunny energy boomeranging back. You look absolutely beautiful in the pics–and that wrap dress is classy and timeless. Disco Nicole in platform shoes and sparkly jumpsuit and smudged mascara made me LOL–it would make for a great halloween costume!

    Nutrafol should totally give you more samples, because now I’m looking into it…

    Hard to believe September is ending (that song always gives me saudade), but it’s DGS, MF-ers!

  18. I love that dress! But I know what you mean about the neckline. It looks great on you and not too risque in case that helps to hear!

    It sounds like your Sept is more similar to ours. You can generally count on September to be a beautiful month. The same is true for October USUALLY. Although in 2020, we got like 15″ of snow in mid-October and that was NOT normal. It all melted fast but wow that was a crazy snowfall. November is when it gets dicey around here.

    I do not like free samples. I am terrible at using them. I do wish I had more travel sized beauty counter products, like face lotions and face wash. I could probably skirt some face cleaner into a little container for my work travel but that seems kind of onerous for me? I probably need to just purchase a travel sized package of stuff. I counted my work trips yesterday and including the 4 I have left this year, my total is 14 trips WHICH SEEMS LIKE SO MANY TRIPS. No wonder I feel exhausted.

    • I have those little reusable containers for travel, and they work fine, but they are kind of a pain to clean out if you decide to change products. I find free samples to be so useless and there is just so much packaging! And they are usually good for ONE use which, what good is that? NONE IF YOU ASK ME.
      I don’t know when snow is normal here, but it’s not September or even October, which is a big change for me!

  19. Oh, what a lovely place to live, right there on a vineyard! Do you have a place you can sit and enjoy a snack or a glass of wine and just admire it?

    You have me all curious about the shampoo. I love trying different shampoos. I’m pretty loyal to my Lancome mascara, but what if I could find something as good at the drug store? Wouldn’t life be grand? I think it would.

  20. I am so so happy you’re so happy in your new home (and how could you not be? It’s gorgeous from what I’ve seen, you have beautiful nature all around you…) and it’ll be even lovelier with all the gourds and pumpkins this season 😉

    I always love your humor, Nicole. You make me actual LOL when I read your posts and I want you to know that.

    The black dress looks wonderful and totally something I would wear (have I told you that your and my style are so alike? And since other people are commenting on your style so much, maybe my whole post about not being fashionable and having nothing to wear, was nonsense. BTW, I have a recommendation: I have a pair of Michael Kors Flex mid-heel pumps and they’re the most comfortable heels that I have ever worn – and I don’t usually wear heels because most heels hurt! So, just in case you wanna go out and invest in a new pair of heels sometime too when your husband complaints that you’ve been wearing shoes from 10 years ago LOL).

    I am super-duper-intrigued to try Nutrifol…. if it wasn’t for the price. Dang it. Your raving review is not helping.

  21. I love free samples because it means I can make my other products last longer, haha. Free moisturizer sample? That will last me a few cycles and means I don’t have to use my ACTUAL moisturizer during that period. I agree that you can’t really tell how a product will work by using a free sample, but with my sensitive skin, it helps me recognize if the product will be gentle enough for my face and how I like how it goes on. If it feels good and doesn’t cause a reaction, I’m usually more apt to try a larger size (if I’m on the lookout for a new product, that is).

    I’m glad you are loving your new home so much! Better weather and fresh produce? What’s not to love?!

  22. I love your new dress and your “old” ones and I think that your husband probably just thinks it it the same dress normally because you wear a lot of black! I think that it is a good plan, as nobody really ever knows if you ARE wearing the same dress or not! I cannot really keep up with the fashions, so I am a fan of black as a timeless and classic wardrobe piece.

    This line really brought back some memories..hahah just kidding; I was born in the 70s! But it cracked me up!…They are a 1970s cocaine dealer, giving me a couple of bumps before I take my platform shoes and sparkly jumpsuit to the dance floor, only to have me coming back to them, wrecked and desperate, with mascara smudges and missing a shoe, weeks later.

    We used to have concord grapes growing up, but dang, they were not that big! I also remember them having a very short period of time between green and mushy. I acually used to eat them green and almost choked to death on one once, which of course made me quit eating them when they were still hard…

  23. There is nothing better than having access to fresh fruits and veggies! That’s how we roll in Florida all year long, so I’m spoiled rotten. Grapes right off the vine? GLORIOUS!

    I also love nutrafol and you have my interest peaked at the shampoo. Crack cocaine from Nicole? YES PLEASE. 

    I love the wrap dress—-such a lovely thing on you and this will also be a classic that will stand the test of time. 

  24. This post made me “awwwww, how pretty!!” -the rainbow picture, and “HAHAHAHAHA” over the gourds intro, and “wow, beautiful!”- you. Love, love the all the pictures. Is that a bar in the basement? Also, was that a good wine? Always looking for recommendations.

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