Enjoy the Silence
June 4, 2012 Home Renovations

Now that the kitchen is done, which may have been the fastest, most efficient kitchen renovation known to man, the contractors are going to demolish our main floor bathroom, entryway, and fireplace, starting Wednesday.  Originally they were going to start last Friday, but not all materials were in.  So Wednesday it is, which means I am going to have had six days of relative silence.  The excessive cursing shall start Wednesday!  And then my mother-in-law is coming for a visit on Thursday.  Cue excessive drinking.

But oh, I am so happy with my kitchen.  I have been cooking things almost non-stop, I love it so.  I want to make out with it, and maybe go all the way and have little kitchen babies with it.  This is how I love you, kitchen.  And so I’m sure that the bathroom, entryway, and fireplace renovation will go very smoothly and I will love them all equally, but differently, when it’s all said and done.  RIGHT? 

I am a little worried, however, since the contractor told me to “expect some dust”.  Now, the kitchen renovation was pretty gross and dusty.  How gross and dusty is my house going to be?  The gross/dustiness peaked when the electrician cut holes in the ceiling to put in potlights, and had three different kinds of insulation – including wood chips – fall out all over the floor, counters, and, evidently the entire house.  I was finding little wood chips and pieces of insulation in parts of the house completely irrelevant to the kitchen. 

See?  For someone who’s as FLY as me, or for anyone for that matter, all that dust…all that clutter…I was a bit of a tense mess.  PASS THE WINE. 

I promised before and after pictures, and so here they are – drum roll?


Note the fridge, in all it’s artistic glory.  Also note how neat the countertops are.  That’s because I had to move everything:

Here’s a shot with the granite in, but nothing else:

And here’s a shot with the backsplash in…lighting, flooring and appliances to come:

What’s that on the island?  A cosmopolitan?  I needed a little something something after days of BANG BANG BANG *sound of air compressor* BANG BANG BANG LEVEL THE FUCKING TILES BANG BANG BANG *sound of saws* BRING ME A FUCKING HACKSAW. 

Speaking of appliances, the plumber who delivered and installed the dishwasher was fairly young, heavily tattooed, and looked like he spent all his free time in the gym.  His name was Lester.  Does that seem strange to anyone else? 

Anyway, here are the pictures of the final product:

And me, super super super excited to have six days of silence before the NEXT project! 

Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode!

"6" Comments
  1. Beautiful. Love the dark colors with the white cabinets.

  2. That looks great – what a lovely kitchen! I’m terribly envious!

  3. I love it.
    Now if you have kitchen babies, I will adopt one and it can live in my house. I’ll kick out my old one. He’s of age to be on his own anyways.

  4. Looks great – well, both your kitchen & your happy smiling face! 🙂

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