Boyhouse Year in Review 2017
December 29, 2017 Uncategorized

It’s Friday, right? Yes. It’s Friday. I’m in that happy state of mind that occurs between Christmas and New Year’s in which I’m not one hundred percent sure of the day or what I’m supposed to be doing, but it’s FRIDAY. Yes. It is.

It’s also time for the Boyhouse Year in Review! Political weirdness notwithstanding, 2017 was a happy and healthy year; there were ups and downs, lots of changes, the requisite busyness, lessons learned and resolutions mostly kept. Here’s what was the buzz around here:


I resolved to focus more singularly on tasks rather than becoming a multi-tasking hummingbird, I recalled my childhood ambition of growing up to be an actual flower and then being devastated to learn about plant cycles, and we bought a trampoline!


A “Shakira Law” doughnut (Shakira, heh) prompted me to mention that researching facts before stating strongly held opinions is underrated yet essential, I admitted to my internal struggle between self-love and my Resting Bitch Face, and I discovered that the 7th grade physical education curriculum included learning the Cadillac Ranch AND Cotton Eyed Joe line dances, which made me hope that they would also Sweat to the Oldies.


I finished my very last week as Book Fair Lady before handing over the How Much Are The Posters reins to my successor, I read The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving A Fuck and was kind of disappointed, and I went bathing suit shopping.


We went to Mexico for spring break and I became immensely spoiled (or, more immensely spoiled), I realized – not for the first time – that being mentally flexible is much harder than being physically flexible, and, relatedly, I realized that walking the walk is very, very difficult.

I also turned 42!


The squirrels ate all of my bulbs, all of them, gardening season started with a bang as I bought a ton of plants from the school fundraiser, and the neighbourhood had a coyote problem that I secretly hoped would take care of the squirrel problem. 


I wrote a weirdly long post about bathroom cleaners, if you read nothing else please read this post about favourite outfits of my teen years, and I talked a lot about red wine and cowboy boots.


Summer started off with lots of heat and fun as I realized – not for the first time – that time is slipping away, I discussed how I really don’t mind cargo shorts but I think the poop emoji is an abomination, and I realized sadly that if I was a character in Pride and Prejudice that I would probably be Charlotte Lucas.


My closet was bursting at the seams and so I started the one-year shopping challenge, I talked about my bathroom renovation, five years post-renovation, and my husband and I went on a trip WITHOUT THE KIDS. 


The kids went back to school – both in junior high – and I quit my work-at-home job to focus on yoga teaching, it poured rain at the first cross-country meet and then snowed, and my 13-year-old left for a week in Quebec. 


As we adjusted to not having the 13-year-old at home, there was an honest-to-god blizzard and I went to Costco despite that, I laughed about “for best results” on a tube of toothpaste, and I was reprimanded by the universe for laughing.


I finished Christmas shopping, I prepared for the festive baking season by posting the best sugar cookie recipe ever, and I aired grievances a month prior to Festivus.


I talked about my Tree Decorating Personality, I bought bananas at Costco which turned out to be a weird mistake, and I talked about Shopping Cart Karma.

So that was 2017, in a nutshell. Happy New Year to all of you, and all the best in 2018. See you in January! xo

"2" Comments
  1. Happy new year, Nicole. I look forward to reading about your 2018. (And I am totally with you on that poop emoji. I hate that thing.)

  2. What a fun and wonderful year! I hope 2018 has great things in store for you.

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