Spring Break! Put your (paint covered) hands up!
March 26, 2013 Food

It’s only, technically, day two of Spring Break and it is the Most Exciting Spring Break Ever.  Yesterday I looked out the window to see a Canada Post truck parked in the middle of our road and a delivery man struggling up our sidewalk with a giant box addressed to me. 

What is it, you may be asking yourself.  It’s an early birthday present!  A food dehydrator!  I’ve wanted one for a long time, and was completely surprised.  Welcome to Dehydration Nation!

I spent the rest of the day spinning off the earth with excitement, and reading the user’s manual.  I felt dangerously like Crazy Eddie from Friends, the guy who was briefly Chandler’s roommate and who dehydrated everything.  This is a strawberry!  This is a cantaloupe!  Pineapples were on sale last week at my local grocery store, and fortuitously I had picked one up.  You’re first, Mr. Pineapple.

Mark kept stealing pieces, and I felt bad telling my child to lay off the fruit.

It’s in the dehydrator right now, and the entire downstairs, according to the boys, smells exactly like Maui.  It’s a very pleasing smell, and I hope the end result will be tasty as well. 

This morning I took the boys to the dentist, which was as pleasant as could be hoped.  There was a high degree of agitation in the five minute drive to the dentist, and much slumping and sighing in the waiting room, but it turns out that asking for the fluoride to be brushed on, instead of using those little trays can turn an entire dental visit around.  Who knew that fluoride trays could be the cause of so much sadness?  To celebrate our excellent visit, I took the boys to Colour Me Mine, where you can choose a piece of pottery to paint, and the Colour Me Mine people glaze and fire it for you. 

So far, spring break has been pretty excellent.  Next up: cleaning up the dog’s fecal matter in the melting backyard.  This is the downside of the exciting spring melt.  But the snow is melting, the sun is shining, and my house smells like pineapple!  Things don’t get much better than that.
"4" Comments
  1. Welcome to Dehydration Nation! — hahahaha!

    Pineapples are on sale here, too. Pineapples — the #1 reason I will never fall for that locavore fad.

  2. I am curious about the dehydrator. What do you do with the results? Is it for snacking, or to make granola? I think I have every other single kitchen appliance on the market so now I’m feeling pressure to complete the set. I just need to know what it’s for so I can justify it to my husband.

    The paint place is such a great idea for spring break/summer! It is totally going on my Summer of Awesome list for this year.

  3. How unbelievably awesome of your husband. My husband bought me a surprise stand mixer a few years ago and I still want to make out with him (or it) every time I use it.

  4. Hmmmm…I’m a little intimidated by fruit chips. I have a feeling that they cut up the roof of your mouth.

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