And…we’re back.
October 27, 2010 Black clouds in my brain
Wow, was I just on vacation?  I have that weird, not-unfamiliar feeling that I was in a completely alternate universe many months ago, although we’ve been home for only a few days.  It’s funny how one day a person can spend hours in a complete state of relaxation, eating sublime food, walking on a beach, and reading the O list and recommendations on how to “live your best life”, and then the next day finds that same person in a state of agitation, baking and frosting eight dozen sugar cookies in varying spooky shapes, with a shirt covered in flour and a harried expression.  And getting extremely irritable should anyone attempt to sample one of the cookies that is not in the designated sampling container.
The weather has taken a definite turn for the wintry: snow on the ground yesterday, flakes in the air today, grey sky and cold, cold wind.  My current fervent hope is that it will warm up for Halloween.  Not that I am the parent on Trick or Treat duty – in fact my children have requested that I stay home to hand out candy to our (presumably, if history is any indication) few Trick or Treaters.  But milder weather would be much appreciated prior to Sunday. 
A few days ago I was relaxing in a beautiful place next to the Pacific Ocean, and right now my kids are sneaking up on me wearing vampire teeth screaming “BOO!  I’m a vampire!  Did I scare you?”, and putting together puzzles between such fearsome episodes, the television is on, and I just saw the following headline: Charlie Sheen found naked, incoherent with escort in NYC hotel room.  Surreal.  Also surreal is the fact that I don’t see that headline every single day.  I mean, is that really news?
To add to it, yesterday I heard the song Love is a Battlefield at 5:15 am and it stayed with me all day.  All day I was bursting out with “We are young!  Heartache to heartache we stand!”  ALL DAY.  That tune also followed me into the night, when I woke up in a cold sweat at three in the morning after a nightmare which involved – of all things – running out of draw tickets for the upcoming Scholastic Book Fair.  Which just goes to show, not for the first time, that I am kind of lame.
On a serious note: someone I know is currently going through a terrible time with her very young daughter, who has a frightening, rare, and very difficult to treat illness.  This family is going through hell; I cannot even begin to imagine.  Please, if you are the praying type, send out some prayers and thoughts for them.  And if you’re reading this, know that people care about you.
"6" Comments
  1. I’m so sorry to hear about that. Having a sick child is my worst fear. I am the praying type and I will be sending a special pray up for that little girl and her parents.

  2. Prayer said! 🙂 Let me know if they need anything that I can provide!!!

  3. I’m not really the praying type, but I will think helpful thoughts very hard.

    Also, ‘designated sampling container’? Hee.

  4. So, your kids are vampires for Halloween? Or they just have the teeth?For years, I’ve been bugging my kids to get themed costumes… finally this year they did. But they’re all vampires, even the 5 y.o. i was hoping for one more year of something cute & girly.Sending a prayer.

  5. My thoughts are with the family.

    And thank you for putting that song in my head at 9 a.m. in the morning.


  6. My thoughts are with the family of the little girl. How tragic.

    I love the comparison between the vacation “you” and at home “you”. I think I’ve had that exact same experience with the sugar cookies.

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