School’s Out For Summer!
June 26, 2010 Festivities

Ooh, I hate that song, along with most Alice Cooper songs – although I do think that Alice Cooper, himself, seems like a very cool guy, as far as celebrities go. While I’m on the topic, I also hate the musical stylings of Tom Petty and that atrocious Kim Mitchell, I Am A Wild Party being, in my opinion, the worst song ever written.

The boys marked the last day of school in different ways – Mark had a Sports Day, and Jake had a pre-kindergarten graduation which of course was very cute and filled with “Everyone is special!” messages. Hilariously, the kids sang a song entitled “We are Special Kids” to the tune of “We Will Rock You.” Side note: my husband feels about Queen the way I feel about Tom Petty, but I think he would have enjoyed the cute factor.

They also wore caps and gowns which I think is quite cute, if a bit ridiculous. A few months ago, the school had a professional photographer come into to take graduation portraits of the children in caps and gowns, which, frankly, crossed the line between cute and just plain stupid. I voiced this opinion and was chastised by my mother for not ordering any of the prints. I don’t know; I think graduation portraits should be saved for an actual graduation, which I do not think applies to simply going to kindergarten. I did keep the proofs though. Jake is awfully cute.

Mark seemed to really enjoy his Sports Day, but dissolved into sadness at dismissal. “I’m never going to be THIS happy again” he stated, which gave me a Citizen Kane-esque chill. What if it’s true? I mean, there are books and movies with that kind of plot line, the end of innocence and so on. Fortunately after we got home I applied the well established depression remedy of videos and chocolate cupcakes which was effective. In no time they were very loudly playing in the backyard, much to the delight of my neighbour, I’m sure, as she dozed in the sun in her lounge chair.

One of the biggest parenting mistakes, I think, is to not allow your children to be sad. I think that it’s a huge mistake, when your child is sad, to try to cheer them up endlessly with Pollyanna, look-on-the-bright-side, silver lining-type chatter. Sometimes it’s good to just wallow in sorrow, watching TV and eating treats. It’s like when you’re in the midst of teenage angst and you and your boyfriend break up, the last thing you want to hear are cheerful “There are lots of fish in the sea!” type comments, because all you want to do is be sad and listen to sad music (“I can’t live, if living is without you, I can’t give, I can’t give anymore…”) and eat ice cream straight from the container. It’s natural to want your child to be happy, but being sad is part of life and I think sometimes we all just need a cupcake remedy.

"4" Comments
  1. “One of the biggest parenting mistakes, I think, is to not allow your children to be sad.”
    It is hard to see your child hurting, but they do need to experience emotions and learn how to deal with them.

  2. I will agree with you about Kim Mitchell (although I think that “Might as Well Go for a Soda” is the worst song ever written), but slagging on Tom is looking for a fight 😉

  3. I love School’s Out. When it plays at the beginning of Dazed and Confused I feel that same rush of freedom as I used to feel at the end of the school year.

    I’m sorry your little man was so sad at the end of his year.

  4. I agree with the whole graduation thing. We have kindergarten grad next year and I always wondering where they are graduating to?

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