Be Happy, Moar Happyer
April 2, 2013 Uncategorized

The kids are back at school this morning, and Mark’s class is in swim lessons this afternoon – the first time ever one of my children have had school swim lessons not in the dead of winter.  It’s a beautiful, sunny day; only a few tenacious and icy snow spots are left in the shady parts of our yard, the dog keeps rolling in and subsequently tracking into the house dead grass, and despite the snow in tonight’s forecast I keep thinking about my plans for the front garden. 

One of the things I love about blogging is – to quote every woman ever in every season of The Bachelor – making a connection.  I feel a real connection to you right now, they say.  Truly, though, I often feel like I have a group of pen pals; some of whom I have met in person, some of whom I haven’t, some of whom I may never meet.  I cheer them on in their endeavors, I get excited for them when good things happen, I worry about them when they go through hard times.

And when they suffer a loss, my heart aches for them.  This is what is happening right now: my friends Sarah and Liv, among many others, have lost a friend to cancer, and while I didn’t know her personally, she was by all accounts a warm, loving, positive woman who influenced many for the better.

To honour my friend Liv, who is honouring her friend, I bring you Moar Happyer, reasons to be happy today, on this beautiful spring day, this Tuesday in April.

1) Being warm on the playground.
2) Pizza with cashew cheese for dinner.
3) This guy:

4) This guy:
5) Skinny jeans and fuzzy slippers:
6) Penguins and otters:
7) My husband, who was in charge of dying Easter eggs on the weekend:
8) My beautiful, vibrant, circle of friends: the ones I practice yoga with, the ones who dog walk with me, the ones who I hang out with in the playground and coffee shops, the ones scattered far and wide, across time zones and borders who check in on me and encourage me and listen to me.  Everyone reading this.
And now it’s your turn to tell me what’s making you Moar Happyer today.  Pass it on. xoxo
"9" Comments
  1. Thank you for this. Dammit. I’m crying again. But in a #moarhappyer way. xoxo

  2. I love you, Nicole. Thank you.

    And… the snoring cat on my lap. #moarhappyer

  3. My heartfelt condolences to those of you who lost your friend.

    I took my younger son and his friend to the playground at the middle school across the street. When the middle school kids (so huge!) came out for lunch break, my two nearly-5 year old charges refused to leave, but chased the big kids around with pretend weapons hollering “We’re defending the playground!” Eventually the bell rang, the big kids went back inside, and my guys were delighted with their HEARTY DEFENCE of FREEDOM AND PLAYGROUNDS.

    Purple toenail paint, my favourite tortilla chips, deep breathing. All for the #moarhappyer

  4. Watching the Blue Jays home opener with Michael and 7 year old is making me smile. Took the boys to swimming lessons tonight and watched almost 5 year old jump right in – this time a year ago he wouldn’t even put his feet in the water. Muffins. My dog fell and hurt his leg a couple of weeks ago, and I despaired, but it’s doing much better and today he played with neighbour-dog without limping, so hooray!

    I’m doing my very best to be #moarhappyer. And I’m sorry for everyone who lost a friend today – I didn’t know her but she clearly had a huge impact.

  5. It’s very, very sad. She was by all accounts an exceptional person and cancer just fucking sucks.

    Angus’s excitement over Opening Day is incredibly sweet, especially since he’s so teen-agery in other ways. The memories of him sitting on the floor doing train puzzles with my two-year-old nephew are really great, too. I was sad that I was in Calgary and not able to see you, but it WILL HAPPEN. And I had a chance to thank my sister-in-law in person for haranguing me to start a blog, without which I wouldn’t know any of you lovely people, and my life would be so much less happy.

  6. Dawn was someone I chatted with on Twitter a fair bit at the beginnings of my online life. We had drifted away but she was really, very nice. It’s terribly sad and I’ve been thinking about her family quite a bit these past few days.

    So…moar happier…it’s really all about the weather for me. It has been truly glorious these past couple of weeks. And I can actually feel my little black and depressed soul feeling just a little bit better for it. THANK YOU, SUN, FOR RETURNING TO US!!

  7. Such a sad story. She seems like a lovely person. I ate a half a blueberry pie today – does that count for moar happier?

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  9. That is so sad.
    It is moar sad that it takes something so awful for us to see the pleasure in the simplest of things.

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