So THIS is why people love the fall.
October 11, 2011 Fashion

Happy Thanksgiving, my Canadian friends!  I hope you had a lovely long weekend.  I spent the long weekend at my in-laws’.


I’m all about positivity, and so I will leave it at that and simply post this picture of me eating grapes.

I seem to have my mouth full in that picture, either that or I’m not willing to show my purple stained teeth that possibly have Concord skins stuck in them.

An airport is the single greatest place to people watch, I think.  We flew, rather than drove, this weekend and I amused myself by watching the world go by.  I also like to examine local fashions when I’m in a different place; I like to feel like I’m some kind of fashion anthropologist.  While I was admiring other people’s tall boots and sweaters, I noticed a woman wearing the shortest dress I had ever seen.  When she turned around I saw that it was evidently homemade from a light cotton imprinted with kittens.  Then I saw a woman who looked extremely stylish from behind, with a lovely fall jacket and long scarf.  When she turned around, her lovely jacket was unbuttoned to show a gigantic, overstuffed fanny pack.  I speak on behalf of purses everywhere when I beseech us all to ban the fanny pack. 

I woke up so exhausted this morning that I actually went back to bed rather than heading for the yoga studio; that’s something that almost never happens and so I’ve been feeling off kilter all day.  I can’t figure out my exhaustion; I’ve certainly had a lot of sleep in the past couple of days.  Either I’m fighting some sort of virus or I’m just completely burnt out from attempting to keep a pleasant demeanor in the face of passive aggressive criticisms.  I tried to regain my normal energy by taking on a number of tasks today – sorting and labelling photos, baking banana bread, cleaning the house, making salsa and kale chips.  While I had the kale happily dehydrating in the oven, I decided to rally the boys and rake the leaves.  With raking comes jumping in the leaves:

Why yes, Mark is wearing his swimming goggles in order to “swim” through the leaves, why do you ask?

We also did some ladybug rescuing:

 It’s on his hand, can you see it?

How about now?

While I’m at it, here’s some pictures of our scarecrows with our STILL BLOOMING flowers.  This has been the mildest fall I can remember.  This must be what people mean when they say they love fall.  Normally I think of fall as one week of howling winds tearing all the leaves off the trees before winter sets in, but this year has been so beautiful. 

My scarecrow is the girl.  Her name is Rosie.  My husband’s scarecrow is named Dummy Jimmy Too Tall.  I think Mark named him.

The boys’ scarecrows are named Idiot and TV.

Usually the leaves on the Mayday tree turn brown from frost and then fall off rapidly, but this year has been so mild that they are actually changing colour. 

And that, I think, is enough to be thankful for. 

"7" Comments
  1. In So Cal, our weather is mild enough people think we don’t get any leaves changing color, but we do. They are still very pretty, but not perhaps, as vibrant as what some other areas get. Poor Marley has wanted so desperately to mess up the leaves in the driveway, but I won’t let her. I am a mean, mean mom.

    I hope you feel better tomorrow!

  2. Those scarecrow names are hilarious.

  3. Nan | WrathOfMom

    My children have never known the joy of jumping in a pile of autumn leaves. This is what comes of dog ownership. I didn’t know you could eat concord grapes! I thought they were for…I dunno. Wine making? Jamming? Canning? Preserving? Some labour intensive domestic activity that I do not partake of, ie vacuuming. Fanny pack. Hehehehe. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Scarecrows are creepy. Just ask my 3 year old.
    Happy thanksgiving…
    Ps…I may need to borrow your yoga pants. I ate way too many things and none of them were healthy like grapes. Although I did eat broccoli…slathered in butter…but that should count for something right?
    PPS. Are my comments the most random shit you’ve ever read?
    PPPS. You’re welcome.

  5. The goggles in the leaves cracks me up!

  6. Actually I think they were more like aggressive-aggressive criticisms. We have the lamest tree on the block – the minute there’s a whisper of fall it goes “eek!” and drops all its leaves. And stands there looking naked and dumb while all the other trees turn beautiful colours. Maybe it has a mean relative who made it feel bad about its leaves.

  7. The fanny pack always seems to rise again when traveling. It’s only when I travel that I notice people still use them. I think Vancouver has otherwise successfully squashed the thing out of existence. I don’t understand why these fanny pack hangers on insist that they’re easier to use than a normal bag.

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