Celebrity, Marky Mark, and the Big Egg Hunt
April 26, 2011 Festivities
I was at the grocery store on the weekend, picking up only a couple of items and scanning them through the self-checkout lane when one of the cashiers, a fairly young guy, ran up to me excitedly.  “I saw you on CBC!” he said.  “I was watching the hockey game and then you were on TV!  On the news!  I said to my buddies, I know that woman, she’s in Co-Op all the time!  Clearly I spend a lot of time buying groceries.  I gathered up my bananas and dinner rolls, fairly pleased with my one minute of fame and also pleased that the video clip came from a separate interview a day after my unexpectedly videoed, bad-haired radio interview.
Often I think being a celebrity, despite the fact that celebrity often means fabulous wealth and personal chefs, would be very difficult.  It would be hard on even the strongest ego to see oneself on the cover of Star magazine or similar with circles around one’s belly or buttocks, highlighting cellulite or “Is She Pregnant?” bulge.  Having a personal chef would be pretty amazing though.  It would eliminate the “what’s for dinner/ spaghetti again?/ if I have to chop any more carrots I’m going to stab myself” boredom we all go through.  Or I go through.
Speaking of celebrities, I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Mark Wahlberg (MARKY MARK!) and Christian Bale.  Christian Bale, I’ve liked him since he was Laurie in Little Women.  So I have wanted to see The Fighter for a while now, and I actually watched it on the weekend.  It’s an excellent movie, and I really loved it, but I would have to say if I knew what the plotline was prior to seeing the movie, I probably would not have seen it.  Have you seen it?  Christian Bale is a crackhead, which, right there, would have turned me off this film. I make it a general rule not to watch movies that feature a lot of illicit drug use because they are just too sad.  I’m a real escapist at heart.  But – and I really mean this – it is actually kind of a feel-good, happy movie.  Although I was pretty sad that there were very few shots of a shirtless Mark Wahlberg.  I mean, it’s a boxing movie.  I expected a lot of gratuitous, sweaty, shirtless scenes, not unlike the volleyball scene in Top Gun.  Sadly, there were none to be had but I recommend it anyway.  Even if I did spend most of the film saying “Argh!  I hate his mother!  Argh!  I hate those sisters!” 
The weekend was a beautiful one, and you may or may not believe this, but it did not snow!  I know!  An Easter miracle.  It was lovely and sunny and the boys staged several egg hunts in the backyard.  We, traditionally, hide chocolate eggs and candies from the Easter Bunny in the house on Easter morning, but we take our hardboiled coloured eggs outside later in the day, weather permitting.  The boys prefer hiding the eggs for my husband and I to find them.
I love this picture. They look like hobos; Mark with his torn jeans,
Jake with his rubber boots and hat over his eyes. 

Yesterday it continued sunny and mild and the boys asked if they could run through the sprinkler.  At 13 degrees.  I said yes and so they put on their jackets and played in the water until they were soaked and frozen.

Notice that there is still snow in our yard.  My children are a hardy people.
"11" Comments
  1. I love Marky Mark too. Yumm. The Fighter was a very good movie. I thought Bale played an excellent crackhead.

    Your kids are insane wanting to run through the sprinklers at 13 degrees. I’m freeing just hearing that.

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! The sprikler has been on my kids minds for a couple of weeks now. They ask whenever the sun even thinks about peaking through! Brrrr!

  3. We were in Edmonton for Easter and the weather was nice too! And now we’re in Ottawa and it’s supposed to rain all week! I never thought I’d be pining for Edmonton. That photo is gorgeous. And I’m torn between Mark and his brother Donny, who I also love. And Christian Bale, as an actor, although I hate hearing stuff about real him because it’s…disturbing. Being a celebrity would undoubtedly be difficult, but I think you have to have such a strong ego to get to be one that it’s a mixed bag – it either gets you through or does you in.

  4. Your kids are true Canadians – running through a sprinkler with snow on the ground.

    I still love that volleyball scene. With the greased up men flexing their biceps for each other.

  5. I’m probably going to give this movie a pass since I have certain rules about movie watching:
    • no boxing,
    • no drug addiction,
    • no people fighting over treasure or the proceeds of a bank robbery, heist, etc, and
    • no men who were on Saturday Night Live.

    I too am an escapist. And I love happy endings!

  6. I am NOT letting my kids see that pic or you know what we will be doing this afternoon.
    And now I am off to google Christian Bale. Because I am hip like that.

  7. Are you effing kidding me? A sprinkler? I love how they’re all bundled up, just staring at the sprinkler lol

    I have heard really good things about The Fighter, maybe I can talk the husband into watching it. Actually, I’m more of a fan of boxing than my husband is, it used to be my dad & I’s thing to watch the fights.

    Did you watch Date Night? That’s my favorite Marky Mark movie. Hilarious. “What do you even knee muscles on your shoulders for?” hahaha

  8. Whew 13 eh? That’s summer talking. We thankfully don’t have any snow left but I do have dog shit floating in our flood waters in the back.
    Mother Nature is being a douche.

  9. I like happy endings myself. Sorry to hear there were not enough scenes of a semi-naked Marky Mark.

  10. I think being a celebrity would be well worth the hassle if I had a personal chef…and trainer…and person to clean my toilets…and…who am I kidding! Being a celebrity would be worth it just to have someone run up to me in the grocery store. As I’m reading your post, I’m like, “Wow! I wonder where she shops!”

  11. The sprinkler thing – Your kids are NUTS.

    I love the idea of having the kids hide the eggs and the parents seek. I think we’ll have to try that one next year!

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