Makeup, Wine, and Say Anything
January 9, 2011 Beauty and body
I live in a neighbourhood with a lot of senior citizens, so I’m pretty used to opening my mailbox to find flyers from McInnis and Holloway about planning my own funeral so that things will go just the way I imagine.  Not that I imagine my funeral much, but it’s nice to know that the funeral people are so accommodating. 
These flyers unnerve me a bit, but on Thursday I opened my mail to find something much more disturbing: an envelope addressed specifically to me, containing a subscription card to a magazine catering and celebrating “older women.”  Ahem.  I have a feeling this has something to do with my recently purchased subscription to Chatelaine, which confirms my status as a suburban Canadian mom.  I’m reading the recipes and beauty hints, people.  I actually considered making red velvet cupcakes with beets – a superfood! – but then remembered that cupcakes are sacred and that vegetables should not be pureed into them.  Especially beets.
But back to celebrating older women.  I like older women.  I think that there are few things more beautiful than a face with smile lines and happy wrinkles.  I truly think that inner beauty starts to show externally as we age.  However, I don’t consider myself an older woman just yet.  Give me a few years, magazine people!

I have been feeling fairly youthful this week – despite a conversation with some friends with regards to fruitily-scented makeup phenomenons of our early years.  Does anyone remember Kissing Potion?  Ah, you couldn’t really say you had arrived until you smeared your lips with that gooey, chemical strawberry-flavoured liquid.  It’s been probably twenty-five years since my Kissing Potion days, although I have remained a lipgloss and lipstick junkie to this day. 

Are you a makeup person?  I most definitely am.  I am such a makeup person that I’m surprised that not everyone else is.  One of my good friends, who is lovely, almost never wears makeup and I was shocked to discover this.  I just assumed, because she is so pretty, that she wore makeup, but on close examination and questioning, I discovered she doesn’t.  Then I discovered that many, many women, whose lovely faces I admire, never wear makeup!  It was honestly a shocking discovery.  Before you think that I am being crazy and vain and obviously my own insecurities are driving my makeup addiction, let me tell you what happened the one time I showed up at school drop-off makeup free and with my hair in a ponytail.  Five – FIVE – people came up to me and asked if I was okay.  Wow, you look tired today!  That’s something no woman wants to hear.

But there is a reason I’m feeling youthful, and if you know me at all, you may be shocked to learn that I have given up drinking wine on weekdays.  I know!  I’m saving all my love, for yooouuuu, and by you I mean the weekend, and by love, I mean wine.  I have to say, I had a lot more energy this week and I’m attributing it to that.  My husband suggested that I drink a week’s worth of wine in one night and then live-blog.  Despite the entertainment value that such a scheme would possess, I just don’t think I’m up to drinking eight glasses in one sitting. 

Apropos of nothing, “Saving All My Love For You” has reminded me of that great Whitney classic “Greatest Love of All.”  One of my favourite movie moments ever: in Say Anything, the graduation scene where the guy is singing that song?  “They can’t take away MY DIGNITY.”  Alas, my dignity was gone with this post when I brought up Kissing Potion.

I was just voted Site of the Week over at Canadian Moms!  I’m so excited!  Thanks, everyone over at that fabulous site!  Love you guys!

"12" Comments
  1. I am not a makeup person. On Sundays, for church, if I have time…I go all out and put on tinted moisturizer, powder and mascara! Woohoo! LOL

    I do remember kissing potion. I had bubblegum and cherry flavours. I don’t think I ever kissed anyone while wearing it…

  2. I don’t wear makeup but it isn’t because of innate loveliness, it is simply due to severe klutziness and sheer laziness. I’d look like Tammy Faye on an off day and I cannot be bothered to waste time on THAT.
    Contests on your blog win! That’d be awesome.

  3. Everytime I think about Chateline I start singing the kd lang song. This probably proves that I’m an older woman in need of celebrating.

    I think you should definitely tweet under the influence. I don’t think you were on my twitter list when I would “watch” tv w/ @MaryLUE on Friday nights while I drank vodka. It was guaranteed to lose me followers and get me a restraining order from the casts of Dollhouse & Numb3rs.

  4. I can’t leave the house without make-up on. Can’t. I am all vein like that 😉
    Yay you! Congrats on being chosen!!! You deserve it.
    PS. We live in an older neighborhood too. We get those in the mail all the time. I was once invited to a “Desperate Housewife” party…for 60+ women…nice

  5. Congrats on being featured! You are fabulous! Anyway, I find that people have said that to me. Are you feeling sick? But, that was when my eldest was older and I had more time to primp up. Lately, I haven’t worn much make-up and I think people are getting used to it! 😛 I do love it though so when I do get a chance, I do it! BTW, you’re only as young as you feel! 😛

  6. Kissing Potion! It was so yummy smelling and also so gross ( when you really think about it )!

    I love makeup. I wear less now than I used to but I love it just as much. I admit that on days when there is time to kill I still give myself makeovers!

  7. Congrats on being voted site of the week!I love makeup, too! Shopping at Sephora is one of my guilty pleasures. You should write a post about your favorite products!

  8. “My husband suggested that I drink a week’s worth of wine in one night and then live-blog.”

    You should totally do it.

  9. Congrats on your wine. I never wear makeup although if I drink eight glasses of wine in one sitting I might need it.


  10. Congrats Nicole on being featured on Canadian Moms!

    I am a makeup girl too…I’m not shy to admit it though…my skin isn’t the greatest…I have large poors and some marks that just won’t go away. I think makeup covers that up and it gives me more confidence. Plus, I like primping over myself! He he…

  11. Totally aware that I said ‘poors’ instead of pores…let’s say I haven’t had my glass of wine today! 😉

  12. Congrats on the blog of the week! Very nice.

    I had completely forgotten all about Kissing Potion until I read this. Boy, those are some good memories.

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