There goes the garden
July 12, 2010 I love my friends

Q: What’s better than a good friend?
A: A good friend who has kids that get along with your kids.

Today a friend and I took our kids to an amusement park, which my poor deprived children had never visited before. In fact, not only had they never visited that amusement park, which is located less than thirty minutes from my house, they had never in their lives visited any amusement park. One huge benefit of depriving your children of childhood delights is that they are incredibly excited to finally partake in them. They were so! thrilled! with all the various rides and games and cotton candy, which they had never before tasted. Since coming home, they have incessantly discussed the roller coaster, the log ride, and have eaten their way through a giant bag of cotton candy. They also enjoyed the little airplane ride.

So we had a fabulous time, until the sky turned black and the thunder started. We left the park for home, and returned just before this happened:

What’s that on the ground? Hail.

That was my pretty new rosebush.

"2" Comments
  1. Calgary has the most wacked out weather.

    My kids still haven’t tried cotton candy. I am depriving them.

  2. Heat wave, you say?…

    That is an insane amount of hail.

    Also? How FUN that your kids got to experience their first amusement park when they will actually remember it!

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