We interrupt this Christmas spirit to bring you colossal bitchiness!
December 5, 2009 Black clouds in my brain

This dress really wants to go to a party!

I look forward to my husband’s company Christmas party for months. I look forward to dressing up, talking to grown people, and eating food not prepared by myself and which is generally very tasty. I also look forward to the open bar. Months in advance I think about this party, because after all, there is no “stay-at-home mom” Christmas party, and even if there was it would probably just involve Starbucks and our nice jeans.

I even bought a dress for the party! I haven’t worn a skirted article for at least five years, since the appearance of my python-like varicose veins, but in the spirit of “love your body 2009” I actually purchased a dress, which I planned to wear with thick tights and boots to minimize the vein visibility. I was getting very excited.

You can probably see where this is going. Yesterday morning a monster of a blizzard began, complete with white-out conditions and massive drifts of snow, forcing us to cancel our plans. Boo. Around 2:00 yesterday it became apparent that no, we were not going to go, I started sulking and immediately donned yoga pants, a sweatshirt, and gigantic fuzzy slippers. Rob felt sorry for me and offered to watch When Harry Met Sally with me. Score! My favourite movie, which he will never watch due to my incessant need to repeat the dialogue throughout the film. (“They don’t make Sunday”. “Why not?” “Because of God.”)

So that was nice. Then this morning I woke up with a sore throat and headache due to the commencement of a minor cold, and also the general malaise that is associated with the commencement of my “ladies’ holidays”. I felt awful, so I did what any smart woman would do: attempt to make 6 dozen gingersnaps with the kids. Suffice it to say it was a bad idea. I ended up baking only half the cookies, putting the rest of the dough in the freezer for a more appropriate day. But then the kids wanted pancakes for lunch and, due to my guilty feelings for snapping at them more than once, I agreed. I mis-measured several times, burned the first couple, and then shrieked, “IT’S YOUR LUNCH!” in response to Mark’s innocent “What’s that weird smell?” query. So no Mother of the Year awards coming my way today.

Rob got home soon after this fiasco and I went straight to bed, passing out for a solid 90 minutes. I feel somewhat better but now the kids are jonesing to make a gingerbread house tonight! I need to channel my inner Christmas spirit. Help!

"4" Comments
  1. Hey, I just yelled at my child not once but twice! at the Christmas parade we look forward to all year.


  2. This sucks! I’ll yell at MY kids in commiseration! Er, or that’s why I yelled at them earlier while they were decorating The Christmas Tree, and that is my story.

  3. Oh yuck.
    To have the Christmas party cancelled really really sucks.
    That dress does need a party to attend.
    6 dozen gingersnaps while stuck home in a blizzard with a cold?
    You’re a braver woman than I.

  4. Wow! Sounds a lot like my yesterday. I was not a nice mommy or wife, and I tried to push through in the name of Christmas spirit by keeping the kids busy with “fun” stuff (like baking sugar cookies, decorating the tree, etc.) so they didn’t kill each other or drive me nuts, but it really was a no-go. LOL

    Hugs to you!

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