Heat Wave!
September 24, 2009 Uncategorized

Alert! I am going to talk about the weather! I have become your grandma and I’m going to discuss the current weather conditions!

We are having a heat wave! In Calgary! In September! It’s glorious, I tell you. Other than spotting my neighbour shirtless, it has been one lovely day. For one thing, we are all back to our normal state of health, which is pretty nice. For another, I am wearing Capri pants, sandals, and a sleeveless top and it is SEPTEMBER! Given we had frost on Monday, that feels extremely luxurious, like if I wasn’t actually in my own house on a residential street, I might think that I had somehow hopped on a plane to somewhere exotic. Or at least somewhere that has pleasant weather conditions.

We spent the afternoon at a friend’s house. You know what’s really nice? When your friend’s kids are your kid’s friends. It makes a lovely playdate when you can catch up with a friend and your children are not squalling in the background, or asking when it’s time to go home, or some other such scenario.

So we had a lovely day, complete with sprinkler and sandbox, and despite the fact that the leaves are falling with rapidity, and there are frost warnings in the five-day forecast, I could pretend it was still summer.

"6" Comments
  1. Oh it’s been glorious eh?

  2. We’ve been out every afternoon with the neighbors and their kids–soaking up the sun while we can. It’s been wonderful.

  3. I’m such a dope – I had no idea you were Canadian, too!
    We’ve had COLD COLD mornings and then HOT afternoons – which means that The Girl swelters all afternoon since I bundled her up for school.

  4. That makes me homesick for Canada. September is my favourite month.

  5. After a week of plus 25, I’m really enjoying today’s weather: 10 degrees and pouring rain.

  6. Just saw your comment at Beck’s about my hatred of the word “panty.” My vocabulary dislikes are famous. 🙂

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