The purchase of a lifetime
July 7, 2009 Uncategorized

You know that feeling when you want something for a long time, and you think about it all the time, and then one day, you obtain it and it is everything you ever hoped it could be and more? Well, my children experienced that this weekend. Yes, we finally purchased a package of Sham-Wows.

Ever since Mark saw his first Sham-Wow commercial, he wanted to possess one. He NEEDED to possess one. He wondered how we could possibly live our lives without one. Every day, it was “We could use Sham-Wow to wash the car! We could use Sham-Wow to wash Grandpa’s boat! We could use Sham-Wow to dry off Barkley!” And so on and so forth, until we actually saw the Sham-Wow display in Costco. (“I thought it wasn’t available in stores” I said to Rob, who hushed me and put it in our cart, evidently fulfilling Mark’s greatest dream.) We came home with the Sham-Wows at approximately 12:35 pm on Sunday, and several hours later, they were still busily washing everything in sight. Mark’s enthusiasm was contagious, because Jake was clearly bitten by the Sham-Wow bug. “Mom, do we have any spilled winecoffeecola?” Jake asked, parroting the guy in the commercial. Answer regretfully in the negative. No matter, there were many other surfaces to clean. The baseboards are now in their cleanest state ever. Jake was actually so enamoured with his that he pretended to give birth to it, shoving it up his shirt, saying “My stomach hurts” – I had informed him that is how a baby knows to come out, the mommy’s stomach hurts. Like really hurts. – and then pulling the Sham-Wow out of his shirt, announcing “Look at my baby!”. I would like to know if this sort of thing happens in any other household.

I have mentioned before that I have no idea why I purchase any toys at all for the kids, and after the Sham-Wow miracle, I am reinforced in this opinion. Hours of occupation, sparkling clean baseboards – what more could I ask for?

"2" Comments
  1. Hmm. Maybe we need some too!

  2. Subspace Beacon

    My kids are OBSESSED with Sham-wows, too. I don’t even know where they saw the commercials, but they ask about them all the time! I’m comforted to know someone else’s kids are obsessed with them.

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