The Queen and I
April 21, 2009 Uncategorized

Queen Elizabeth II and I have something important in common; we share the same birthday, which is today! By writing this, it is clear I am not the type of person who coyly skirts the birthday issue, or likes to keep birthday celebrations to a minimum as my husband does. No, I’m the type of person who tells random people in the grocery store that it’s my birthday just to receive the many happy returns. If it was socially acceptable for a woman in her mid-thirties to walk around with a birthday crown and a button saying “Birthday Girl”, I would.

There isn’t much in the way of celebration today, as it’s a Tuesday and soccer season begins today, and so does my sojourn into soccer-mom-world. But what a lovely weekend I had. My husband took me out to Lake Louise, where we walked by the frozen lake and remembered how we got engaged there – nearly nine years ago – and also how we used to hike around there a lot when we were younger and childless and footloose and fancy free. My husband and the boys later surprised me with a cake and some yoga gear, and it felt like the best birthday celebration ever.

Today is warm and sunny and I’m ignoring the fact that the snow is coming later this week. Oh Calgary! If you love unpredictability in the weather and unseasonable temperatures any time of the year, it is the place to be. Today I’m going to enjoy the sunshine, and I just feel so grateful and blessed.

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