A bowl of cherries

“You know when you get a little bit drunk and then put a whole bunch of books on hold at the library?” I asked my friend Jen while we were enjoying coffee and sunshine Saturday afternoon. “That’s what happened last night.” I felt I owed Jen (HI JEN) an explanation as to why I couldn’t […]

Next Stop: The Glue Factory

Last Friday, two days before my first road race, the road race I’ve been training for over these past many months, I went for a light run. My hip was a bit achy but I thought I would push through; this was apparently a big mistake as suddenly I had shooting and stabbing pain in […]

But did you know when it snows my eyes become large

Several times a week – sometimes even several times a day – I peer into the mirror and notice a smudge of mascara under my eyes. It’s only after I’ve taken a tissue with makeup remover to it that I realize the exercise is futile; that the smudge in question is not mascara at all, […]

Yard-work fashion on point

I admit that I’m very surprised that several of you have tried growing your own cilantro with no success, for the reason that I have had very little success with other herbs, but for me cilantro grows like a weed. Is it the super-dry climate I live in? Is it my basement grow-op that is […]


It occurred to me yesterday, as I was baking muffins at 6:30 in the morning, that my children are exceedingly spoiled. I might go so far as to say that my husband is, as well. Of course, anyone who knows me would think that is probably a rich statement, coming from such a princess, but […]

Nicole’s Favourite Things: The Thankful Edition (sort of)

Yesterday I learned that it was National CB Radio Day – 10/4! That was a cheering discovery, and if I was a trucker in the 1970s, my handle would be Red Pepper. Speaking of which, it’s funny; the song Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode, a song I listened to and enjoyed back in 1990 or […]

It’s Apple Season! And Snowman Season!

Ah, fall. The season of colourful leaves, crisp air, apples, and this: Snow! Well, to look on the bright side, it’s just a dusting. I feel like the world is divided into two kinds of people: those who love and embrace summer with all their hearts and souls, and those who do not. People in […]