Archives for March 2010

He’s gone.

Oh I, oh I, I’d better learn how to face it. I love Hall and Oates. So what did I do other than bake bread this weekend? Hold onto your hats: I went to Ikea. I think I’ve made it fairly clear that I’m not someone who particularly enjoys shopping, so I entered the store […]

Passionate Choices

I’m passionate about many things: Ashtanga yoga, for example, and gardening, and the ritual of pouring myself a very large glass of wine the minute my children are in bed for the night. That ritual is not meant to imply that I am not passionate about my children. I am. I love being their mother, […]

The Bachelor and Royalty

My friend, in reference to The Bachelor: “Who watches this shit?” Her husband: “The same people who keep with royalty.” The Bachelor, along with pretty much every other reality TV show, really is shit. It is a horrific concept: hundreds, maybe even thousands of women vying for a shot at dating/marrying a guy simply because […]


We’ve had a run of really unseasonably warm weather and I spent the afternoon cutting back perennials, pruning shrubs, and pulling back mulch to squeal over the teeny sprouts of my emerging very hardy perennials. Then I immediately replaced the mulch because while I might be excited, I’m not stupid: no mulch shall be removed […]

Cool Things People (who are not me) Do

The other day, someone asked me how my bread making was going. This poses the question: if your New Year’s resolution is to bake bread, and you bake bread one time, does that mean your resolution has been fulfilled? In actuality I have baked bread four times, thank you very much, and each time they […]

What day is it? What month is it?

I’m completely confused. I keep thinking that it is still February, yet simultaneously I believe that it is later in the week than it actually is. I’m thinking “Wow, I can’t believe how warm it is for February” alongside “I’m sure glad it’s Thursday!” So I’m confused and I feel like I’ve been whirling around […]