Watch out for the carnies.

Do you ever look at the contents of other people’s grocery carts and wonder what they are going to do with those particular ingredients? I do, all the time. Not in a judgy way, obviously; I don’t care if someone has a cart filled with fruit chews and pork rinds. To each her own, I say. But I do often wonder if someone’s having a party or a barbeque, or if those frozen Dr. Oetker pizzas are actually good. Sometimes it’s obvious: tortilla chips, salsa, sour cream, onions, peppers, and cheddar, for example, means that all signs are pointing towards Nacho Night. I once saw my neighbour with an entire cart – and I mean THE ENTIRE CART – filled with store brand bacon. I could only imagine that it was either on sale or he really likes bacon, or both. Hopefully he has a chest freezer.

But the other day the fellow in front of me had dozens of cucumbers, 3 bags of green apples, at least ten bunches of kale, and some lemons. I wondered if he was on some kind of juice cleanse because really, who is going to chew their way through that many cucumbers? But then I saw that he also had stacks and stacks of Centsibles brand bologna and a few jars of Cheez Whiz. I was actually dying of curiosity because it was such study in opposites. Maybe he runs a lunch program AND he also really likes green juice? Maybe it’s nothing to do with green juice and he really likes kale salads along with this bologna and Cheez Whiz sandwiches? Well, we will never know now but I will always wonder.

People are so interesting, aren’t they? Everyone has a story. I was at Walmart buying my hayfever-ridden son some allergy medication, and there was a fellow standing in the aisle near the family planning section. He was wearing cut-off shorts and a tank top, despite the chilly day, and he was picking up and reading the back of every single lubricant on the shelf. Now, it’s been some time since I’ve bought lube, so I really don’t know what attributes make for the different brands, but this fellow was determined to make an educated decision. I picked up my packages of Reactine, did a little more shopping, and then I remembered I also needed some Motrin. Back I went to the pharmacy and he was still there, reading labels.

Well, if you’re going to spend money you may as well do your research, I suppose.

This week has flown by; in fact, this month has flown by. Sunday is May, which frankly seems ridiculous. This whole week has been a whirlwind of work and yoga and to-do lists, and here it is Friday and I’m feeling DONE. We have some friends coming over for dinner tonight, which I’m very excited about. One is a vegan and let me tell you, it is VERY fun to cook for someone who is going to be as excited as I am about a cauliflower taco dish. I’m also making this dessert, which I haven’t made in so long I had to do some calculations to find out what eight ounces of chocolate is in cups (it’s about 1 1/4 cups, give or take).



It’s also my dear, dear friend Hannah’s birthday today. As a gift to her, I am re-posting this amazing photo of us with the third in our trio, Allison, at Blissdom in 2014.


Aw, this photo brings back so many wonderful memories. And is a little creepy. Where did the carny come from? Well, it was a lentil-themed carnival, and we shall leave it at that.

Hannah sent me this post, which happens to sum up all my feelings about moths. “Just shudder until I died.” I laughed until I cried and my stomach hurt. I tried to read it to my husband, but I was laughing so hard that he just looked at me in a concerned and pitying sort of way that I stopped reading, and he went off to work, probably wondering about my mental stability.

Happy Friday to everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! xoxo


  1. Hannah Munday says

    Awww, I love that picture! Notice how I’m blurred? That’s because that damn carny had just scared the living hell out of both Allison and myself, by jumping up behind us without warning. I’m trembling in adrenaline-dump aftermath, I swear. 😀

    I think the way you feel about moths is the way I feel about wasps.

  2. I hope you never get pantry moths. We never completely get rid of them, we just keep them at bay or fail to in a cyclical sort of way. My bugaboo bug is roaches. Shudder.

  3. I OFTEN wonder, yes, especially if there is a WHOLE LOT of something. If that guy just had SOME bologna and, say, a jar or two of Cheese Whiz, I’d think he was shopping for someone doing a juice cleanse at his house PLUS someone who was NOT doing a juice cleanse. But SO MUCH bologna is what makes me wonder.

  4. “Well, if you’re going to spend money you may as well do your research, I suppose.:

    That made me snort, which made the dog look over at me in a slightly concerned manner. (I am home alone.) How could lubes differ enough to require that much research? As you say, we shall never know.

    I too find people–including their shopping carts–incredibly interesting. I sometimes have to quickly avert my eyes lest they catch me being nosy and think I am judging them (which I’m not–I’m just curious!)

  5. Rachelradiostar says

    Oh I fully admit to being VAIR judge Mc Judgey over what people have in their shopping trolley at the till. Normally I feel better about it if I’m starting on a Nutribullet week and it’s me with the spinach, and lemons by the kilo in my basket. I write people’s stories in my head too with what they are buying.
    I’m with you re moths. Waste of nature.

  6. Rachelradiostar says

    Oh I fully admit to being VAIR judge Mc Judgey over what people have in their shopping trolley at the till. Normally I feel better about it if I’m starting on a Nutribullet week and it’s me with the spinach, and lemons by the kilo in my basket. I write people’s stories in my head too with what they are buying.
    I’m with you re moths. Waste of nature. But I’m not adverse to butterflies.

  7. I also love to peek into the other carts. I’m always looking for ideas. What will they be doing with that enormous pot roast? How does one cook a pot roast? What are their plants for those weird green squashes? Google to the rescue :).

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